Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Have you cried over a bad haircut?

I hadn't shed a tear over my hair since an unfortunate situation with my bangs in high school. My streak of good haircuts came to a crashing end on Saturday when, desperate for a haircut, I tried a new salon because my usual stylist was traveling abroad.

I brought a picture of a sleek shoulder-length bob with long swoopy side bangs. That was the haircut I wanted. The haircut I received was a choppy mess of extremely short layers and blunt bangs. Holy hell. Not at all what I wanted. An entire chunk of my hair was just sitting lifeless on top of my head--not at all blended into the rest of my hair. The hair stylist knew he messed me up big time. However, he did try to blame the awful bangs on a previous haircut. "Are you sure the last person who cut your hair didn't mess them up?" Um. Dude. My "bangs" were at my chin when I came to you this morning. I was very vocal about how unhappy I was, and he didn't let me pay for the monstrosity. (He honestly looked like he was going to cry as I left the salon.) As soon as I got into the car, I called Andrew in hysterics. I was crying so much that he thought I had been in a car accident.

I'm not going to dwell on the bad haircut. Instead, I am going to thank the powers that be for my stylist returning to the states and taking pity upon me last night. She heard about my unfortunate situation and told me to come in so she could fix it. The result is a fabulous haircut, though I'll admit it is MUCH shorter than I had hoped for.

It's funny... I initially was considering going for a short cut so I could finally donate my hair to locks of love. I ultimately decided I didn't want to lose that much hair and set my sights on a shoulder length cut--about five inches shorter than the style I had at the time. In the end, I definitely lost enough hair to donate to the organization. Oh, well.

My new 'do, after my saint of a hair stylist fixed me up


Gina said...

It's very cute! I have definitely cried over a bad haircut. Luckily, it's been many years since I have had to, since my best friend is an amazing stylist and takes good care of me.

Eleni Zoe said...

Long time reader. First time commenter.

I cried once over a bad haircut. And I was still sitting in the chair. I went in for a trim and I left looking like a mushroom head.

My stylist tried to reassure me by saying, 'That's how everyone is wearing it these days.' I never went back.

Your new do looks lovely!

Amanda said...

It looks great! And don't worry... I've been there. I once went to a new stylist wanting blonde highlights for my (at the time) light auburn hair, and ended up with a disgusting brassy mess that was never really fixed until all that hair had finally grown out. She made me pay for the highlights too and said "Well sometimes on people with naturally darker hair, this happens." Don't you think, as the stylist you should've asked if the light auburn was my natural hair color?! Anyway, its all okay now. And your haircut really is fabulous!

Andrea said...

It takes a while for a bad haircut to hit me. For some reason, my optimistic side takes over and tries to make the best of it. Then reality sets in days later and I'm pissed as hell at how my hair looks.

The worst: I went in for a trim. The stylist convinced me to try layers because it would 'lighten the load' of my thick hair. I left looking like Carol effing Brady. It was choppy and horrible and I didn't know how to style it right. I will never let myself be talked into another haircut ever again.

Tia said...

I cried once - ironically after I donated to Locks of Love. 10 inches ended up being A LOT of hair. I went from long hair to chin length, which looks awful on me. Thankfully my friends waited until after it grew out to tell me how fat it made me look.

Anonymous said...

I love it! For me it seems like no matter how I cut my hair, I end up with "mom hair" which is probably more cuz I am completely inept with a hair dryer, curling iron or a flat iron. I am currently think about going back to my super short cut from last winter.

April Elizabeth said...

you look so great now!

jessica maria said...

the good thing is you look fabulous!!!! sorry for the stress!

Jenn said...

I had a horrible haircut a few weeks ago. I really just wanted a trim. Short hair requires frequent maintenance. She trimmed the back, showed me and I was happy. Then she said she would clean it up a bit with the razor - this was normal as she cut my hair before and it was gorgeous. Then she trimmed the sides.

Once all was said and done and I looked at the final cut I was pissed. She shaved the back instead of tapering it, the sides were too short. It looked like I had a bowl cut. After I got home, I noticed the sides weren't even!

It's finally growing out, but I refuse to go back to that woman. I'm sorry to hear about your hair do stress. It looks very cute in the picture!

ÄsK AliCë said...

Love the hair now! Good thing your stylist could fix it.

I had a terrible cut once - my long curly hair got cut into a really BAD layered look. It basically looked like I had a giant triangle with bad extensions or something.

Luckily I went to a great salon a week later after realizing the only way I could wear my hair was up.

The stylist managed to cut the layers so it looked natural AND kept my hair long. Miracle worker.

Anonymous said...

I'm typically pretty easy to please with hair. It grows out and what not. I'm also not really into "trendy" hair fashions and just like a basic cut and color.

Well, I went to a stylist one time out of rebellion and ended up with skunk highlights in my dark (at the time) hair and a very choppy, layered cut. I came home and cried.

Thankfully, I just waited a few weeks and then colored it myself and never went back to her again. I don't think I could ever be a hairdresser. Too much stress! Eek!

LovelyAnomaly said...

I have curly hair and apparently I am the only person in the world who understands how to tame it. I think I've cried after every single haircut since I was old enough to start paying for my own haircuts. Dramatic? Nah.

Your hair looks lovely!

Anonymous said...

OH my, i have used the same stylist for the last 10 years since she was a trainee and she knows my hair so well now it's funny. you poor thing - i am glad you are rocking your new short look now though

simon said...

I've never cried over a bad haircut. Refused to pay and then went home and shaved my head once, but never cried.

And (no, I'm not creepy, really, it's a genuine compliment) when you have a face as pretty as yours, haircuts have to be colossally bad in order to actually do any damage. For proof, see:

angelina la dawn said...

there is nothing in the world that can make you feel good like a haircut. and a bad one makes everything even worse! i'm so glad you got a good fix :)

sarah marie p said...

Oh, I have totally cried over way too many bad haircuts. I feel your pain! But, now you don't have any pain because your new do is super cute! I'm sorry you had to deal with the first hairdresser messing up your locks, but I'm glad your usual stylist was there to save the day!

Lauren said...

Oh, I've cried over haircuts before too. It's just so PAINFUL when they come out wrong! But your hair is super cute now! The stylist is definitely a savior. (Although I'm slightly disappointed we didn't get to see the bad haircut pictures - hehe). Also, the color teal (as in the scarf you're wearing in the pic) looks fabulous on you!