Thursday, July 7, 2011

And they said it couldn't be done... (no they didn't)

After posting about not being allowed to watch "The Bodyguard" as a kid, people started telling me that they wanted to know what I thought after building suspense for two decades. So, I did what anyone in my position would do.
I live tweeted it.
Yes, I live tweeted my watching of a nearly 20-year-old movie. And guess what? I didn't lose a single follower, miraculously. Some even claimed to enjoy it. My initial thoughts are: Wow, how did they get her in that metal bodysuit? No nudity? No awkward sex scenes? Why was I not allowed to watch this as a kid? I heard worse language from my parents' mouths when someone lost their favorite pen... (sorry, Dad.) I don't want to include any spoilers for anyone who is waiting 30 years to watch it for the first time, so I'll just say, "OMG! I can't believe her (noun) (verb, past tense) a (noun)!!! I didn't see that coming! If you want to know more about what I thought of the movie, check out my tweetacular commentary. So, what's next? Maybe "The Sound of Music"? "My Cousin Vinny"? (Shout out, Lauren! I never saw it.) Only time (and Twitter) will tell.


Katy said...

please, please, please livetweet your first viewing of My Cousin Vinny. OMG please do this.

B said...

Sound of Music please! Only because it's epic-ly long and awesome. And there's singing! (Like The Bodyguard - it could be a theme...)\


K-Tee said...

too funny! Like you, I have never seen any of those movies. [Well, I guess you one-up'd me now :)]

Is it shameful to admit that I have never seen Pulp Fiction? I have seen certain bits, and know of certain scenes, but have never actually watched it. My group of friends would disown me if they knew this.

How 'bout you - have you seen it?

Katelin said...

haha your live tweets were great, loved it. and i vote on My Cousin Vinny next, that movie always cracks me up.

sarah marie p said...

Hahah This was too funny. Also never seen "My Cousin Vinny" -- maybe I should live tweet it with you! I vote for Sound of Music! Do it.

Rita said...

I think 'my cousin vinny' would be a nice one!

It was really funny to see this and it really brighten my day. It was so cool! :)

Melissa Maris said...

That is hilarious. I love it. I'll have to go look at the tweets. I was so in love with Kevin Costner back then - he lived in the town next to mine and we used to drive by his house all the time hoping he would be outside picking up the paper or something.

Sara @ Forever and a Recipe said...

New reader here! And I wasn't allowed to watch this as a kid either! I still haven't watched it, but your live-tweeting adventure as inspired me! I'm definitely going to watch it asap! My mom was super strict with movies (although I was allowed to read just about anything) and I missed out on so many classic movies too! I can't wait to see what you watch next!