Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ending The Junk Mail Blues

A pile of credit card offers, car insurance deals, and student loan consolidation information. It's something I've come to expect in the mail almost daily. It isn't out of the ordinary to receive three offers from one company in one week. (I hate you Discover.) For those of you who feel my pain, and wince at the thought of a small forest dying in your name at the hands of the credit and insurance industries, I come bearing news of your salvation.

I received an e-mail from my bank today (also a frustrating form of junk mail, even if it doesn't kill anything except my spirit), and it had a handy list of Do's and Don'ts to protect yourself from identity theft. I scanned it quickly and as I was about to hit "delete" my eyes struck gold:

"Shred all personal and financial information, including those 'pre-approved credit card offers' before you throw them away. To request exclusion from these mailings call: 1-888-5OPT-OUT."

I grew giddy at the thought of ending the seemingly endless onslaught of paper harrassment and fished my cell phone out of my purse in eager anticipation.

The whole process took less than three minutes, but you may start to feel yourself slowly losing your sanity as you shout things to a robot on the phone. I think it is a sacrifice well worth it.

My robot friend told me I should stop receiving solicitations within the next few months. Hallelujah!


Jess B-Dubs said...

i did it, too! you've changed my life forever!

Mermanda said...

So did the boyfriend. Fun fun!