Thursday, March 4, 2010

I've got the itch

Never have I been one of those people with an endless list of allergies. Since I was a child I've had an allergy to dust and pollen. As a teen I discovered I was allergic to sulfa drugs. I learned that one the hard way. I took Bactrim, a regularly prescribed antibiotic. My lips swelled. My back broke out in a rash. And I had never been itchier in my life. I would have crawled out of my skin to escape the discomfort if it was possible.

Without further boring you with my medical history, I am going to cut to the chase. Things are getting a little carried away.

Now I can't eat certain raw fruits and vegetables without my entire mouth and throat bursting into an itchy fury. This is commonly referred to as oral allergy syndrome or OAS. My offenders include:

  • bananas *sob*

  • sugar snap peas

  • black berries

  • strawberries

I also discovered this week that I can no longer consume dried apricots... and... this pains me very much... wine! WINE! Why have you forsaken me, Baccus?

Anyone have any crazy food allergies they'd like to share with me?


Hillary said...


April Elizabeth said...

You just listed my very favorite raw foods (minus apple, kiwi, and carrots). That is devestating.

You can live with the wine, just make tequila your friend.

Becky said...

That stinks, I'm so sorry! Is this something that has developed and will eventually fade away or is it here to stay?

If it makes you feel any better I'm allergic to chocolate!

ria said...

oh no :( that is very sad. i don't know what i'd do, i eat a banana every day!

Anonymous said...

Wine? WINE?!?! If you suddenly become lactose intolerant, you might just want to go ahead and lock yourself into a room so you can cry for the rest of your days.

Anonymous said...

I'm allergic to grass. Is that weird? I feel like it's weird. And the sun. But, I only get enough of it to affect me when I go to the beach. I have to sit under an umbrella most of the time.

The Mama In Red said...

I'm also allergic to Sulfa drugs, and penicillin. The worst allergy? I'm also allergic to the sun. Way fun, right? I don't get the rash like most people (thank God!), but my whole body itches from the inside out, I want to crawl out of my skin. And summer? Is my favorite season. Sigh.

Unknown said...

I suddenly became allergic to penicillin at age 24. Sitting on the floor of my kitchen so the cold laminate could sooth my hives, 2000 miles from my parents house, knowing not a SOUL, I thought I would die alone and pantsless in Arizona. I survived, thank goodness! Also allergic to the cold (cold urticaria) so I have to take zyrtec everyday!

Mermanda said...

Hillary, I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine.

April Elizabeth, I like the way you think. Margarita, please!

Becky, I think allergies do tend to come and go throughout a lifetime, but I'll have to wait and see. CHOCOLATE! *GASP* You poor, poor, darling! How do you get through the day?

Ria, I used to eat a banana every day. But now I can only eat them if they are cooked... so I can still bake with them at least!

JiveTurkey, Girl. You said it. A life without grilled cheese is not a life worth living.

Publicknitting, grass and sun? Man! Double threat! Glad it doesn't affect your day to day, though. I'm very fair so I am often under the umbrella at the beach as well.

Mama in Red, I can't believe two readers are allergic to sun! Is it that common? I've seen the extreme cases when people can only leave their homes at night... very sad.

Robin, I never heard of the allergy to cold. And I'm sorry you had such a scary experience. Itchy just thinking about it!

alyssa said...

I am allergic to work.

But seriously, I am just allergic to stuff like pollen, no food allergies that I know of!

Katelin said...

you can't have WINE!?! oh that is sad. i am such a wino, that would just be so sad for me. i am sad for you.

Anonymous said...

I get the crazy itchy mouth (plus vomiting, lucky me) to pineapple and jalapenos. Plus I'm allergic to weed, like can't go to concerts and stuff cuz being anywhere NEAR the smoke makes me throw up. So yes Miss Mermanda, I totally understand the crazy allergy life.

Sarah said...

Kiwi-just figured that out the hard way and also tomatoes, my tongue gets really weird swollen bumps on it when I eat them.

yours truly, melissa said...

I'm so sorry for you! So you BECAME allergic to some of these things when you got older?

My dog is allergic to sulfa drugs too! She was given sulfa for a stomach bug once and her entire face was so swollen... Poor dog.

Unknown said...

I'm also allergic to sulfa drugs. And strawberries. Hmmmm, I'm wondering if there's a connection between the two.

Anonymous said...

Wine? No wine? I think I would cry...

I'm allergic to the smell of fresh cut grass and think all those people who love the smell of it are crazy.

ÄsK AliCë said...

I'm allergic to normal men

Or at least that's what you'd think if you took a look at my dating history...

Karishma Sundaram said...

I've sorta been a long time reader, without the courage to comment. But I do love your blog heaps, so..

A blog award for you. :-)

Lexi said...

Very cute blog - I'm new arrival to the world of blogging...just hopped on board tonight. Either way, I'm your newest fan :)

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Anonymous said...

Interesting post about I've got the itch, in these days oral allergy is very common and people have to try to be careful with their health, for example I unfortunately buy viagra only because I need it and well Im close to be a senior citizen.