Thursday, June 10, 2010


I am in trouble. I can't seem to stop coming across things on the Internet that make my heart stop from their unadulterated perfection. Allow me to wipe the drool from my chin for a moment to share these lust-worthy items with you...

Large Jade Bird Bowl by Jonathan Adler

Clock Sweet Tweet Clock with Bird by AtlasSigns

Imagine this clock in the Copper Verdi (blue/green patina) finish. Want.

And to demonstrate that my interests are diverse and I'm capable of liking things that are not birds...

Snake Corset T by Thief&Bandit

Oh, here's a tissue. You have a little slobber on your chin...


Mrs. Wedding Crasher said...

I love that clock!

jessica maria said...

The internet is DANGEROUS! Love the bird bowl!!

alyssa said...

That clock! Is amazing! If only if it were cheaper...hrmph! Or, maybe that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

i can't say that i LOVE the shirt, but i do like it.
The clock and bowl however... UMM, LOVE IT!!!!!!

p.s. (have you started school?)

Mermanda said...

Erin, Yes! I am done with my first class on Wednesday. Went by fast! :)