Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Because i know how it feels

*Update: Sadly, the vets decided Fritz's chance at a long healthy life was slim, and was put down this afternoon. All donations already received are being refunded by request or donated to the Dachshund Rescue of North America in Fritz memory. A little dachshund named Fritz was rescued recently from a possible life of abuse, only to show signs of paralysis days after finding his "forever home." The chance of recovery is very good, but comes with a $7,000 surgery. When I read about Fritz this morning, a lump rose in my throat for his owners. It is such a gut-wrenching feeling to know something is wrong with your dog and not knowing if you can financially make him better. I've been there. I get it. You were all there for me during that scary time in February, and now I want to return the favor and be there for Fritz. If you too would like to chip in to the "Fix Fritz" fund, visit Who's Your Dachshund? Every dollar counts. It would also be very appreciated if you could help spread the word about this cause.


Anonymous said...

Awww Mermanda. This just absolutely breaks my heart. All I can hope is that Fritz can not run and play in doggie heaven.

Mel said...

It took me forever to get around to thanking people for this. But thank you. SO much. It means the world to me that you posted this.

I have such a hard time every day facing this. And I'm doing my best to leave it behind as we start a new life with our new little gal, Vienna.