Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Goats! Woo!

I am struggling with the green-eyed monster today. Michelle Woo just moved to some magical land where they bring goats to feast on the land surrounding her home. How nice is that? Seriously. Just having goats walking around, eating your grass.

Honey, we are so getting goats... (I know he won't object. We had the goat conversation before marriage. All savvy couples do.)

Photo by Michelle Woo


Jessica said...

It's so funny you mention this. Mike and I are planning to buy a bunch of land sometime in the next 10 years and build our own house, then set up a "homestead" (what I call a "mini-farm"). Mike is ridiculously excited about this and keeps looking up information about animals he might want to get. He wants to get sheep and goats to eat our grass. But he concerned about the amount of work they will be. We shall see what happens :)

K-Tee said...

Ha ha! I have ALWAYS wanted a goat. They are so neat. What a fun addition to the yard. Good luck in the 'we gotta getta goat' convincing...

Hillary said...

did you know you can stack your goats? no really, they can balance on top of each other. goats are so badass.

jive turkey said...

I don't know if you have seen photos of our new massive backyard, but it is not fooling around, and unless I want to spend the entire summer constantly mowing it, I NEEDS ME SOME GOATS.

Consejos para reformar la cocina said...

Interesting and really well written! Most blogs on the web are not that simple and good like this one.