Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Gratuitous Dog Post

I've been at the new job for more than a month and still can't believe this is my life. I have sipped champagne on the wrap-around patio at our office TWICE since I started, and holy moly. Is this real life? I have to say things are going swimmingly.

Speaking of swimming... I bought a baby pool for our greyhound baby today. I have decided the vinyl bottom might be too delicate for his mighty talons, so I'm going to return it in favor of something more hardy. I am excited for our first dip. (Possibly relevant side note: I don't know if Luke especially enjoys water--bath time is never a fun experience for anyone...)

Anywhoodle... why is it almost July? Can anyone tell me why the winter seems to go by at the pace of a mildly injured snail, while the summer is moving at the rate of a wild mustang on speed? This is highly unfair and I would really like to file a complaint with the appropriate person.

Oh, hey. Speaking of complaining! Let me vent for one hot second. My old job was extremely late with filing my resignation paperwork and because of their incompetence, I was overpaid on my final paycheck. Do you know what this means? First, let me tell you what this doesn't mean. This doesn't mean I can go on an Etsy bender... or McScrooge my way through a pool of gold coins. No. This means I have to write a check to my former employer in excess of $1,100. Can I tell you how painful that is? I don't care if the money was never mine in the first place. I am extremely annoyed by the whole situation.

Finally, I leave you with some recent photos of the soon-to-be Olympian swimming champion. I submitted these photos and others to our local greyhound rescue (Going Home Greyhounds) to be included in their 2012 calendar. I hope Luke makes it in at least once! Cross your paws.


Have you ever seen such bliss?

And so the impromptu rhododendron photo shoot begins...

His collar has tiny cassette tapes on it.
He's so analog.

Okay. So this isn't exactly "recent"... but LOOK AT THAT TOOTH!


Sarah said...

"Like a wild mustang on speed" ha! You crack me up!

Non Sequitur Chica said...

Oh I had the same thing happen to me FOR A SECOND YEAR IN A ROW. I got two bonus checks instead of just one- and then had to write the amount for the second one back to my company. WHY NOT GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME??? ARGH.

Cute pictures!

Hillary said...

I hate your old company. But you? You I love.


terra said...

He's so pretty! My good friends have three greyhound rescue pups and I love them all so, so much. They're such silly dogs.

Portlandier said...

Congrats on your new job! I just started one as well working in graduate admissions at a university which includes doing some event planning for them.

I left my first real job and it has been great to take to the risk. I am so glad it's working out great for you :)

genji said...

Congrats on the new job. I love the 'snaggletooth' look.

Unknown said...

A-I am shamelessly behind on my reader.

B-I love posts about Luke.

C-In my house we call that tooth a snaggle. My bff's dearly departed dog had one too and it was AMAZING!

Dejar de fumar gratis said...

An exceptional read, thank you. It is acquiring harder and harder to sift by way of all of the garbage on the internet these days.

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