Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Knot: Friend or Foe?

You probably know is a web site with tools for brides-to-be to get a handle on the wedding planning process. What you might not know is that The Knot masquerades itself as a helpful friend--when it is really pure evil. Do you really have to remind me that there are only 93 days until the wedding and 100 things still to do on my checklist? This just seems plain mean, you bully.

I really have no desire to "experiment with my beauty routine, self-tanners, and facials." Nor do I need you to remind me to "take a moment to thank your parents and tell them you love them"--thanks.

Fellow brides-to-be tell me, "you don't need to worry about everything on the checklist. Everyone is different. You don't have to do it all."

Oh yeah? Well if I'm not the one who is going to finalize the menu with the caterer, confirm reservations for out-of-town guests, write the ceremony program, write thank you notes, attend bridal gown fittings, wrap the bridesmaids' gifts, and confirm deliveries with vendors--who exactly is going to make sure all that crap gets done? Are you volunteering? How bout you, over there, The Knot? Huh? I don't hear you offering to have my dress preserved after the wedding. You bitch.


Rachel said...

When I got married I didn't have The Knot, I had to make me a Monica hand. You girls have blogs, website, etc dedicated to wedding planning & ideas.

Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to sit in the corner and think old lady thoughts.

Maggie said...

I have a love/hate relationship with the knot. I love using it for resources, but I pretty much ignore my "to do" list. it makes me anxious!!

verdict: the knot is a "frenemy"

Mermanda said...

Maggie, you are so wise.

Hillary said...

I joined the Knot and then didn't open my account for 3 months. When I opened it - 6 months before the wedding - I had approximately 700 tasks (300 of those overdue.) The Knot is a nasty bitch. Stay away from the Knot; it will give you herpes. True story.

Unknown said...

oh my gosh The Knot made me crazy those months before the wedding. I was running around thinking that I had to do every single item on that list or the whole wedding would fall apart and then explode into a million pieces.

But as you get closer the list gets smaller and more manageable. At the distance from the wedding you are at right now, it seems like crazy huge, but it does help tie up loose ends the few weeks before.

Home Sweet Sarah said...

When I was planning my wedding, I signed up for The Knot, because apparently that's what brides do, but I never really used it.

What's annoying now, though, is that I keep getting emails from The Nest.


Pretty Unfamous said...

Girl, you have three months. You'll be FINE!!!

Lacey Bean said...

Yeah I'm not a fan of the Knot. I like it for ideas and stuff but that planner drives me nuts. I dont find it helpful!

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

You want to know why else is the devil? Because when you are 98% sure you are soon getting engaged you sign up for it. And then months later when the relationship falls apart you are stuck getting these emails everyday. So you go to the site to unsubscribe because you don't need a daily reminder that your life is a shambles. But do they just let you unsubscribe? No. No they do not. You have to log in. And apparently you signed up with some random password that you can't recall, but you can not stay on that site long enough to have it reset, so there you are six weeks later still getting daily reminders that YOU ARE NEVER GETTING MARRIED.

But I'm not bitter at at all.

amber said...

I'm a fan of weddingbee

Erica said...

Everyone's wedding is different. Screw generic checklists. I had my hair highlighted two days before the wedding - and I made the appointment that same day. I would have given The Knot a heart attack.

ria said...

lol i signed up for it and never used it. don't stress too much you know what you absolutely have to get done

on another note, why doesn't google reader pick up your posts quicker it takes hours :P

Unknown said...

Let me tell you about my experience with theknot. I used it extensively while planning my wedding and it helped a lot. About a year ago I logged on to cancel my account and it redirected me to this little gem called, wishing me however many days of a happy marriage. Yeah, I was in the middle of the divorce, lovely little reminder of my oh so brief marital bliss. Thanks the knot, making divorced women feel loved since 2000.

Arlynn said...

I am NOT a friendl of The Knot - not.

Although I considered myself a great planner and gave myself a year and a half to do so.

Don't worry about time, lists & "must do's." The only things that are "musts" are those things you think important : - )

Good luck!!!

paisana said...

LMAO. And here I'm happily checking off my checklists and wishing that they added detail stuff like "Pick up all your reception accessories!"

I have actually found it helpful. HOWEVER, I am told that the Knot's message boards and groups are just full of vicious harpies who do nothing but obsess about their weddings. I will have to check this out one day. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. said...

I refuse to join the knot because I know that later i'd get emails from the nest and the bump. It's a big big silly chain of evil. Plus, i prefer to read the blogs and use my second hand planning books (which, lo and behold, are The Knot brand!) which allows me to freak out about my lists on my own time and not when my email alert goes off.


Melissa Maris said...

Hahaha I want to file this post away for reference when I'm engaged.

Home Sweet Sarah said...

Argh, speaking of the damn devil, I received a copy of The Nest magazine in the mail today! As in, the real mail!

Kylie said...

Love. Love. Love this post!

I got so fed up with The Knot when I was wedding planning. I don't miss any of the planning though. I just miss the day & honeymoon! I could relive that 10 days forever!!

Best of luck! You'll get it done!

Katelin said...

haha i'll probably be writing a letter like this in a couple months. but you'll make it just fine. woo.

Renee said...

I actually completely hate The Knot. My wedding is in 30 days and I didn't do ANY of their shit. I used a tumblr to keep track of things, Google spreadsheets for almost everything, and and the corresponding ning community for OBB. The Knot? Can blow me.

stealthnerd said...

Hahaha oh the knot. Yeah, I love those e-mails. Especially the ones that remind me about the honeymoon I didn't book yet and the wedding weight I didn't start losing yet to look "firm" in my pictures and the first dance song that I didn't pick out yet.

Hm. Someone to add to my "blocked e-mails" list huh?

laura @ so alaurable said...

You crack me up! I HATED the knot...thank goodness I found other blogs to help me get through the planning.

Kerri W. said...

I broke up with The Knot about six months before my wedding. I couldn't handle the pressure. It made me want to pee my pants whenever I got another email from them.


You'll get it all done, my will come and go, and be just lovely!