Thursday, December 3, 2009

Your Dreams (and mine)

I'm often boasting of my latest crazy dreams. My subconscious' ability to conjure up the most ridiculous situations is something I'm quite proud of, actually.

Everyone probably has strange dreams at some point or another. But what is special about mine is that I can usually recall them quite vividly... even hours or days after waking from them.

Sometimes I share my brain's latest creations with Twitter. Perhaps you recall these gems?

"Last night I had a dream that I worked with Demetri Martin, who was trapped inside the body of Andy Samberg."

"I had a dream Ben Rothlisberger made me a corned beef sandwich at a deli. I wished him luck on the game. He looked confused."

"@katiehappens I had a dream you mailed me a Christmas stocking full of chocolate bunnies. my dreams are pretty much amazing."

The first dream I can vividly remember happened when I was between one and three-years-old. In this dream, my "nostrils" fell out. Except, they looked just like slices of hot dogs, not nostrils. They fell right out of my nose. (I don't think I learned what nostrils really were until many years later.) Toddler Mermanda just thought they were some things jammed way up inside your nose. And if they fell out? You were in big trouble. Which is why I awoke from the nostril dream in a panic. When I realized it was just a dream and that my "nostrils" were still probably intact, I was quite relieved!

What is your earliest memory of a dream/nightmare? I would love to know!


JP said...

I don't remember my earliest dream... but I do remember my dream from last night...

I dreamt that Brett Favre was trying to cheat the Colts out of winning a guy by making sure they didn't actually show up... something about moving their vehicle to make sure it was towed. I confronted him, actually kicked his ass and then stole his helmet... so HE couldn't play. HA!

Dwight said...

When I was probably 7 or 8 I had a recurring dream of, not being able to fly, but beind able to leap incredibly high. I remember it being exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. … But a recurring nightmare I had maybe a couple years later involved me and some kinds playing on a rooftoop playground at night. Then we were somehow chased off the roof into the building by a hooded killer with an ax and I ended up alone and being chased by him through a labyrinthine building. I fell and turned over on my back looking up at the killer (still unable to see the face) as he brought down the ax at me and said, "This is for what happened to my mother!" Then it goes black before I'm struck by the ax. CRAZY!

rachaelgking said...

I never remember my dreams. BUT I have been told by approximately 8 bloggers now, including one today, that I was in their dreams. Freaky/awesome, man.

jenniferalaineblog said...

I'm with lilu -- I rarely remember my dreams. The earliest one I can remember though is from elementary school and my friend tory and I were playing in her backyard when ALL OF A SUDDEN we were being chased by lions and tigers and bears. I know right? Oh my!

Pretty Unfamous said...

If you ever DID see Big Ben at a deli, I would hope to the football gods that he didn't look confused when you wished him luck!!

Katelin said...

i had one last night where i was playing scrabble with a friend and lost my teeth, haha. so random.

michelle woo said...

A dream that I can still remember is falling out of the sky while holding an umbrella. Like Mary Poppins!

Gina said...

I don't recall my earliest dream, but ever since I can remember my dreams, the majority of them take place in a town/city that I don't know, and yet in my dreams, it is always the same. They take place all over this town - in neighborhoods, schools, a college, a fairground, mall, parking garage, library, stores, etc. After all these years, I know it like I have actually been there - I could describe it in detail and draw you a map. It's freaky.

Jenny G said...

My earliest nightmare that I can recall happened when I was around five. I'd just joined the local swim team at the YMCA and loved wandering the halls after practice. However, that habit stopped after this terrifying dream....I was alone at night in the YMCA with King Kong chasing me through the halls. Yes, King Kong. I have absolutely no idea what that means, and I don't want to research it, but to this day I don't like being alone in buildings that smell like chlorine.

amber said...

When I was little, I used to have a recurring dream about being in my dad's ex wife's house. It was a really old house, and I used to hide under the stair case.

My first few years of college, I used to have recurring dreams about tornadoes. My least favorite dream! I still have one every once and awhile.

Anonymous said...

I used to have horrible recurring nightmares about a witch and some aliens who came to abduct me through our kitchen window while my parents were somehow frozen in time & couldn't hear me scream. UGH. It still bugs me. That shit was scary. I gotta go think about something else now.

Sarah said...

Here is my latest and greatest weird dream:

Erin W said...

As a child I had terrible dreams about dinosaurs chasing me, thanks to The Land Before Time.

Anonymous said...

when i was in 3rd grade, we watched harry and the hendersons at school. there's a part where everything is piled into the closet and someone opens it and it all falls out. not that big of a deal, right? well i had a dream a few nights later that there was a DEAD BODY in my closet and when i opened the door it fell out. on me.

slept with the closet doors shut until after i graduated from college. sad.