Friday, May 30, 2008

Wringing out my brain

Today my brain is in a foggy soggy state, which I attribute to waking up an hour and a half earlier than normal. (Oh 7:30 a.m. physical therapy appointment, you are no friend of mine.) There are a few things I want to discuss today, so let's see if I can get through the haze.

My boss is taking next week off to bike from Pittsburgh to D.C. First, let me just say how much I respect this athletic endeavor she is embarking upon. Now, let me say how COMPLETELY HORRIBLE this trip sounds to me. I get winded after about 4 seconds on my bike in this hilly terrain that we call Appalachia--so I can't imagine something more exhausting than 300 plus miles on an uncomfortable seat that makes my butt hurt for days. (Seriously, can't they come up with a better design for the bicycle seat by now? Aren't we supposed to be zipping around in our flying cars already?)

She has put me in charge of managing the content of our official weekly (biweekly in the summer) publication while she's on "vacation." I'll admit I was a bit surprised she picked me... but I am excited for the extra responsibility.

Yesterday was her last day at work for a while, so I wished her well. This went a little better than the last time she left town...

Scene: Amanda's boss, whose mother has been very sick for some time, is frantically preparing to leave the office for an indefinite period of time. She has just received an alarming phone call about her mother's quickly deteriorating health. Near tears, Amanda's boss quickly gathers her things and notifies the department of her departure.

Boss: Um, thanks...
Amanda, silently: Oh... crap!

Well, I told you I was awkward. I wish I would think about things a little harder before I let the words tumble out haphazardly.

The next order of business: I am going to update my blogroll to include all my new bloggy friends on 20SB. I just need some advice on the organization of it. Can some of you more experienced peeps speak up and tell me if you have any method to your madness? Should there be categories? Alphabetical order? The Dewey Decimal System? Help!

And finally, I am going to start working on my "100 things" list that I've been seeing around blogland. I especially loved Jennifer's list on You are flawed if you are not free. I think we will inevitably have some list items in common--as I cannot make a list about myself without mentioning lolcats, duh. I also love her idea of listing my first CD... and while mine wasn't Michael Bolton, I totally respect that it was hers. My mom made me a big fan of MB at an early age. I love him... even if he is a "no talent ass-clown."


Becky said...

Congrats on the new responsibilities! I hope it all goes well.

Anonymous said...

I have a blogroll on my sidebar and then a links page. My blogroll is my favorites and my links is everyone I read plus people I'm starting to get the feel for. Then I can move everyone where I feel they fit!

My google reader is broken down even more though. That's another story!

Anonymous said...

Thanks muchly for the link love. I'm flattered that you enjoyed my list so much! Good luck writing your own. I look forward to reading it when it's finished :)

Hope you had a great weekend.