Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Make your own sunshine

This morning at work, I was devastated to learn that my office window will soon be 90 percent obstructed by a nine-story building--to be completed by Fall 2010.

This news came on the coat-tails of yesterday's announcement that there will be no raises this year. Salary freeze now in effect. Grrreeaat.

Yesterday, I managed to keep my sunny outlook--"At least there have been no layoffs," I reasoned with myself. "It's not like that 2.5 percent goes very far... right? Not a big deal." I found myself being the cheerleader for others around me. "At least there's no layoffs!" I reminded them. "You are too right," they nodded affirmingly.

But today, the news of the soon-to-be-construction outside of my window and permanently sunless sky was enough to send me into a major funk. I actually felt like crying. My precious view! How I will miss thee!

This is exactly what I needed to pull myself back into reality. Yeah, so I won't be able to watch the snow coat the street below me in silent beauty. I won't be able to watch spring bloom around me from the comfort of my office. But um. Hello? This young woman needs a new kidney for crying out loud! As though a heart transplant wasn't enough for one lifetime, she finds herself needing another transplant due to the stress the anti-rejection drugs have had on her body.

Please take a minute to visit this site and meet Jess. If you can spare some cash, make a donation. If not, you can still help by passing this message along.

In a little more than a year, my office will be pretty dark. So I've decided it's up to me to make my own sunshine. Donating to this cause is an excellent way to start.

Grab my badge, created by my lovely friend Dwight, if you want to make your own sunshine too!


Unknown said...

It is only human to complain about the little things as well as to have things put into perspective when we realize we actually have it pretty damn good! :)

Lauren said...

I like it! It's true we complain about the small things, because sometimes the small things are bad, but in comparison, they're nothing.

I, too, will make my own sunshine!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your lovely view being obstructed by some ugly building. That always sucks.

I think your way of dealing with it is pretty positive though! I think I'll go make my own sunshine too! :D

Anonymous said...

ugh that sucks about your view! i don't have a window so i can't imagine a view being taken away :( i love the badge it's purty. i will have to take it :)

Lindsay said...

This seems like a really great cause, I'll have to check it out.

thatShortchick said...

yay for you for finding the positivity in a seemingly grim situation.

Laura said...

beautiful post.

Anonymous said...

That badge is super cute!

B said...

I'd be pretty upset about the view issue too. But I really AM glad there haven't been layoffs at your company.

Gwen said...

I just found out my company will no longer be supplying paper towels, napkins, paper plates or plastic wear or the pens I like. I keep telling myself the same thing - at least I still have a job - but COME ON! Paper towels?

Thank God the building owner supplies toilet paper.

Hillary said...

you rock, dude

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story. This girl's family obviously loves her very much, and it looks as though a lot of people have donated. It's nice to know that love really exists and that it grows with the help of people like you. Thanks. XOXO

julia brooke hustwit said...

What you need to do is get a fist full of super long fiber optic cables and stick one end inside your window and wrap the other end around the opposite side of the new building. Then you can get sunlight into your office :)

Alternately, you can use giant mirrors.