Thursday, April 2, 2009

These bangs will not control me

It is Day Six with bangs and I'm waving the white flag. Yes, bangs, I understand that you have a ceaseless desire to part down the middle. You have proven to me that no amount of hair product, styling tools, or precious time in the morning will get you to behave. If you are going to be a little jerk about it and keep insisting upon parting DIRECTLY DOWN THE MIDDLE, I will have to pull out the big guns to outsmart you. That's right, bangs, I'm swoopin' 'em to the side! Bwahahahah! You will not make a fool of me! Do you understand me, bangs? I make the rules around here. Ahem. Dear friends, you will NEVER see the photos of my bangs misbehaving... unless perhaps you are my facebook friend and some photos from a party Saturday night hit the web. Otherwise, better not hold your breath. Here is a photo from today--Day One of reclaiming control over my badly behaved locks. And THIS! is a lovely package I received from Hillary! She sent me two Canadian chocolate treats that I've never heard of... and one of them may or may not frighten me. Effervescent minty chocolate? I'll have to let you know what I think of it. I hope it isn't like eating a denture cleaning tablet... and Hillary? If it is? I'm totally sending you salmonella. She also made me a Mermanda Mix! Isn't she the most adorable thing? I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but judging from the playlist, I think it's going to rock. I'm pretty sure that Cock soup mix is going to make a fierce appearance on an upcoming episode of Cooking Thyme With Andrew. In other news, the house inspection is tomorrow. And as long as there are no weird surprises, we're going to get our mortgage tomorrow tooo! And? And! We're seeing Ray LaMontagne in concert tomorrow at one of my favorite venues ever! (I don't know what is with the heavy use of the exclamation marks today, I didn't even have any coffee.) XO!!!!


Freckles said...

Your hair looks so freaking adorable! I love it. I had issues with my bangs behaving too, I actually still kind of do and I make them swoop to the side. I kind of hate my hair right now though.

This is Allison from As You Wish. I have a new blog and if you haven't already you should stop by.

Rae // theNotice said...

Eeee! I will never understand you - your hair is so cute!! [insert the squeals of a ten-year-old girl with no self control... because that's what I sound like]

Go eat your mint Aero. It's one of the only chocolate bars I'll actually eat! (I'll also eat Mars and Hershey's Cookies and Cream bars, Skor if it's in ice cream, and Coffee Crisp if it's melted and cut up. Nom nom nom.)

Unknown said...

You look great. I love the bangs, glad you managed to conquer them. And the mint Aero is amazing :)

Unknown said...

I gave up about a week into my haircut and swooped the bangs aside. My friend, you are in good company.

Andrew said...

You're really nice looking.

Can anyone identify the LP that Amanda is standing in front of from only a corner of the album artwork? Blow my mind, someone!

ria said...

omg your hair is awesome. mine would never look so good like that. i'm jealous...hold please...

ok i'll try to control myself. i really love it!

Hillary said...

First of all, your hair looks really cute. I love the new cut and your colour makes me want to punch you in the ear because I am jealous.

Secondly, the Aero isn't really effervescent. It doesn't actively bubble when you eat it. It's bubblED chocolate as opposed to bubbLY chocolate. It will make sense when you eat it.

Have fun at the show!! Lick Ray LaMontagne for me, ok?

The Over-Thinker said...

How did you know I was in the market for a mohagany exam table?? I already have one made of the finest birch, but I was really looking to upgrade. And look at those fine stirrups?? One could swing them around to hold their 40oz! Shazamm!

Your writing is hilarious--I've popped over before (via Hillary) and I'll be back!

P.S. I am terribly envious of your cute hair. And the fact that you're a dead ringer for Lea Thompson circa Space Camp.

jenniferalaine said...

Mmmm aero bars are the BEST! If you don't like it, send it my way! Haha

Maxie said...

I thought you said you have a mullet??? THAT IS NOT A MULLET.

Nicole said...

Your hair looks great!!!

I love Smarties and Aeros... There's a couple of chocolate factories where I live so there's always LOADS of that. Enjoy! =P

Mermanda said...


I DO HAVE A MULLET! You just can't tell when the ends are flipped up like that in the pic. Trust.

Also, where does my upper lip go when I smile? Srsly? said...

Cute! I love the hair!

alyssa said...

I looooveee your hair! I had the same annoyance with my bangs when I got them, too. I just kept at it!!!

Laura said...

I always lose the bang battle. I seem to forget this every time I get my haircut, they either annoy the crap out me, or end up getting pushed to the side. Yours look cute though!
Enjoy the concert! I'm jealous, I love Ray LaMontagne.

Sarah said...

first, your hair is super cute and the bangs look good off to the side. second, good luck with the inspection! third, every time you post about ray lamontagne, i think of a cheesy lounge singer. so i looked him up and he's kinda hot. heheh have fun!

Pretty Unfamous said...

My bangs try to part differently, too. I want them on the side. They'd rather be just off-center. If I try to make them MORE on the side, they insist on just covering my forehead. Ugh.

rambleicious said...

Cute hair and great chocolate - I'd say today is a good day!

I like Aero bars too - the mint ones are so very tasty!

Sid said...

I recently got bangs except in SA we call it a fringe.

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

oo! I love packages from bloggy friends!

Anonymous said...

I love your new haircut!

Kerri W. said...

I love your adorable flippy haircut. And the sidebangs look just lovely! I tell you, if I had the balls (maybe that's a good thing) I'd cut "real" bangs. hair does the natural part thing, too, and there's no way they'd be all cute and thick and perfectly tame. One ounce of humidity and it would be curl central up in here.


Anyway, love the hair, love your face, and love that you get to see one of my favorite artists in concert! Jealous!

sarah marie p said...

Aww I love your new haircut! The color looks SO good on you! ANd the side bangs are adorable!

When I first cut bangs like maybe 7 years ago I had to train them to go to the side with a bobbypin.

Your bundle of Canadian goodies looks so yummy! What a fun surprise!

Anonymous said...

That's so cool. The Aero wrapping looks so much different from the ones we get here in SA.

You hair looks fab!

Becky said...

I love your new hair cut and the bangs look amazing. Congrats on the new house!

sarah marie p said...

p.s. CONGRATS about your mortgage! OMG! So exciting! And so grownup! SO SO cool! Yay you guys!!!! So happy for you!

Melissa Maris said...

Awe I wish I was seeing Ray. Lucky!

The hair looks great. I totally hear ya on the bangs, though. I have bang OCD and often have them tacked to the side with a bobby pin. That is their punishment for being unruly.

Lisa said...

Smarties are my absolute favorite!!

Katie said...

Your hair is REALLY cute. I try bangs (or something like them) every couple of years. I always think, "Maybe my oil glands have stopped hyper-producing oil like I'm still in puberty and my bangs won't turn to a stringy, greasy mess by noon every day--no matter how much product I use or washing I do." And of course, my oil glands are still producing oil like I'm a 12-year-old boy. Ugh.

Anyhow. You look really adorable. I'm very jealous. :)