Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thanks for nothing

Now more than ever, businesses should be trying to go out of their way for customers in order to bolster sales in this slumped economy. So what is up with this particular wedding vendor not willing to take an evening weekday appointment? They don't offer any weekend hours, and I work until 5:30 Monday through Friday. Though in a previous e-mail the saleswoman said they "take appointments from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m." she refuses to allow me schedule a 5 p.m. appointment. She answered my request for a 5 p.m. appointment by saying "We close at 5 p.m., so 4 p.m. is the latest appointment we can offer."

Look woman, I work for a living. I'm fine with scooting out a little early but you need to WORK WITH ME A LITTLE BIT. I'm not going to leave work two hours early to come pick out some linens for the wedding. Leave an hour early? Sure. But you refused to budge when I asked once more: "Would we be able to get an appointment any later than 4 p.m.? I work until 5:30. I'd appreciate the latest appointment you can possibly offer me."

Okay, lady. 4 p.m. is the latest appointment you can offer me. I will remember that. And if I hadn't already paid my deposit three months ago--you can bet I'd be looking elsewhere for linen rentals.

Pittsburgh brides, send me an e-mail if you want to know which high-profile linen rental company to avoid!


Arlynn said...

Oohhh... I'm totally with you, Mermanda! just reading your post gets me peeved, and thinking about all of those vendors when I was planning my wedding.

So sorry you already paid the deposit, if you haden't I would have told you to suggest that they just go... well, you know.

Sometimes when I can't "kill someone with kindness," I just get tough & bitchy, then I get my way : - ) Or at least feel better that I stood up for what I thought was right...

Good luck!

Hillary said...

ahh wedding planning
I remember it well

perhaps you should bring out your inner bridezilla to try to get your way? threaten to stab her in the knee and maybe she'll return your deposit so she doesn't have to work with you.

or just make Andrew pick out the linens.

Drew Eisenbeis said...

Let me know which vendor! I often get booked with clients months before a wedding - sometimes a year. I'd love to tell them who they should avoid.

alyssa said...

I TOTALLY hate when certain public businesses only have 8-5, no weekend hours. WTF - do you WANT business at all?? It seems like they'd get smart and realize if they just gave a little bit of time outside of the normal office hours, they'd get a lot more business. DUMB.

Home Sweet Sarah said...

Dude, you're a way nicer person than I am...I totally called out a d-bag DJ on my blog. Name, address, phone number, etc. He was a jerk, though. Totally deserved it.

Kyla said...

Oh my gosh! You're giving me flashbacks, lady. I vote you show up at 4 pm just to fight her.

rachaelgking said...

I am so not looking forward to dealing with this crap someday... hopefully there's still some wedding blogs to steer me right by then!

Anonymous said...

That's flipping ridiculous!!!!

Katelin said...

ugh that's so annoying, i will definitely have to keep that in mind when i start some wedding planning.

Non Sequitur Chica said...

How ridonkulous!!! It's because they already have your deposit....

Maxie said...

If she's not the owner then you should report her to the owner!! That's freakin ridiculous.

Pretty Unfamous said...

I think it's crazy when I walk into ANY store and the sales person doesn't say "hi" or "can I help you find something?" It's like they don't even WANT my money!

Andrea said...

That's really ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

How very annoying! Ugh...

Melissa Maris said...

Oy this makes me not look forward to having to plan a wedding someday...maybe I'll make my mom sew all the table linens. :P

Lauren said...

That's ridiculous! It's like they didn't want the business.

My roommate ended up taking 1/2 a day off to do all of that stuff. She hit up as much vendors as possible because no one, apparently, likes to stay open after 5.

Maggie said...

That's awful. If people don't want to work with you, they aren't deserving of the money you're putting out to pay for a wedding..

and I'd love to know what vendor, I'm planning my wedding in Pittsburgh too, so I don't try to get linens there.

sarah marie p said...

Dude, that's outta control. NOT COOL! You're totally right - aren't businesses supposed to be trying super hard to work with the customer during this damn economy? I mean, the customer should always be first. But especially now! SHEESH! And especially with a lovely bride like you! They want you to risk your job by getting off of work hours early! Redic. And for linens! THose people are nuts. You know, like that spoon rest! :P ha. Good luck dealing with those jerks!