Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I just can't hold this in any longer

Nothing to see here...

Move along.


Tam said...

right because you don't want to get DOOCED!

Also, my husband's friend and his fiance saved up all of their nail/toenail clippings for an entire year and made a "toe globe" out of them. Think snow globe with floating toe nails. ::VOM::

Needless to say, I was not amused.

Tillie said...

OMG I had a guy before I moved floors that clipped up to 5 times a day - 4 times a week. Seriously I started keeping track. I would make my husband go into another room at home because the sound kills me. I had theories that he was part werewolf or something...HOW can someone clip so much???? and AT WORK!!! biggest. pet. peeve. ever.

Mermanda said...

Tillie, I TOTALLY KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN. He must do it every other day. How can someone's nails grow that much in two days? Someone needs to lay off the protein shakes. Jesus.

Linds said...

UGH! My boss does that and the sound is worse than nails on a chalkboard! I feel your pain!

Dwight said...

You should offer to give him weekly mani/pedis. Maybe that would stop it? lol.

Bethie said...

Funny enough, I was filing my nails at work when I started reading this...

Someone who used to have this office was a constant clipper as well. Nails, cuticles, even the ends of her hair. I still find her detritus sometimes.

Mermanda said...

Bethie, you may file at work if it is for a quick repair. You may not clip every nail God gave you, however. I think we can all agree on that.

As for the woman who used to work in your office? I wish I hadn't just eaten my lunch before reading about her. ICK!

addy said...

Oh my god I HATE this! My cube neighbor does this - at least you have an office door you can close! I just have to put headphones on and hum really loudly!

Toe said...

Ugggh that is totally gross. We all have one of those utterly disgusting people at work. You could leave the wonderful passive aggressive note:

Nail Clipper Person-
Please stop clipping your nails at work. It is gross.
Thank you,
Them that Clip Nails at HOME

Lexilooo said...

I have a co-worker who does the same thing, and it makes me crazy! Ewwww!

Anonymous said...

I'm actually shocked to see how many people have had to deal with this at work! When I worked in an office I thankfully never had to deal with nail clippers. I work in a kitchen now - so that's just completely unfathomable.

Hillary said...

you just ruined my lunch

julia brooke hustwit said...

I don't find the act of clipping nails to be gross at all. Just like filing nails or getting a hair cut. The only thing gross is if you leave the clippings on the floor. However, do I think the office is a place for a haircut? No not really. But if I saw someone trimming their hair in a mirror at their desk, my reaction wouldn't be to vomit so much as it would be curiosity why it was so pressing that it had to be done right then and there... As for the noise, it can be distracting because you don't know when the next *clip* is going to happen, but it's not exactly loud or rude, even. I think popping gum is way worse. :-P

I guess I have to side with your neighbor on this one ;-)

Jen said...

OMG! I totally have one of those as well. I don't know why I find it so annoying, but it totally is!!!
Thanks for making me feel like I'm not the only one!

shaz said...

I thought I was the only one who found this COMPLETELY revolting! At WORK?!?!?! What gets into these people?
I have actually YELLED at people at work for doing that.....JERKS!

Erin W said...

Um creepy AND gross. NOT okay at work!

Rae // theNotice said...

LOL!! You crack me up, Amanda. And I totally 2nd the passive-aggressive note. Make sure it's typed and not handwritten, and that no one sees you leave it! :P

Sarah said...

Our neighbor sits out on their patio and clips their nails and it makes me want to gag so hard!

Katelin said...

oh ew that is disgusting. seriously someone needs to tell him to stop.

alyssa said...

O.M.G. one of my bosses toes that too!! Thankfully I can't really hear it..but a few weeks ago I had to go on his computer and there were CLIPPINGS ON HIS DESK. GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

alyssa said...

ROFL. I said "toes that too". That was epic.

Non Sequitur Chica said...

There is a woman at work that clips her fingernails at work. It is the most disgusting sound and I don't have a door that I can close to drown out the sound. Why do people think that this behavior is acceptable at work???

Mermanda said...

I am seriously disturbed by how many of you have the same stories of gross coworkers. Didn't our mothers raise us better? Icky icky people!

Maxie said...

Sometimes my boss chews his nails during our meetings.

It's horrible. I feel your pain.

Melissa Maris said...

That is not okay. I think you need to find a way to retaliate. Mouthwash gargling? Chanting? Leaving used kleenexes around? I don't know... it just seems like icky behavior like that deserves payback.

sarah marie p said...

Ew X 10 million!
Luckily I don't have any coworkers that clip their nails ... most annoying recent thing I can think of is sniffing up their snot instead of blowing their nose. Eww. Sorry that was a gross description! But seriously ... can't you just blow your nose? sniff sniff sniff! Ah! STOP IT!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That's not appropriate at all.