Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Rehearsal Ensemble

There was one slight hiccup the night of the rehearsal. We realized we had no idea where the marriage license had gone. I had it in a box with other things I needed to take to the church with me that evening, but on the way to the dinner, I realized it was not where I had left it.

I panicked and my mood at the rehearsal dinner suffered. Here's a photo of me trying to pretend I was not about to morph into a raging lunatic, with my calm and collected husband to be. Isn't he adorable?


Hillary said...

you are both adorable and your dress is perfection

Melissa Maris said...

Awe you guys look great! Love the dress.

Belle Renee said...

Our official marriage license never made it to the wedding. The officiant forgot it. I suppose we were technically married by mail.

Wearing Mascara said...

Hi! I just found your blog and see that you're in Pittsburgh. I just moved here so it's nice to find another Pittsburgh blogger! Lovely to meet you. I'm also following you on Twitter.

ria said...

glad you found it! you don't even look super stressed so you pulled it off :)