Monday, February 16, 2009

What a week!

Hello all of you beautiful people. I have been a crazy person for the past week so I apologize for my absence. Let's just get it out there in the open. There's an elephant in the room. And that elephant looks a lot like a house.

We put an offer on our first home last week, and the seller came back with a counter-offer a bit too high for the amount of work that is needed to be done to the house. We looked at the house a second time with both of our parents this weekend and we feel comfortable with continuing our search for our first home. Maybe these people will get desperate and lower their price drastically in the coming months--if so--we'll talk. If not, I know our house is out there waiting for us to find it!

Aside from all the house hunting craziness, there has been considerable wedding progress in the last week. We booked an awesome caterer who is giving us an incredible deal. The menu is more traditional than sushi and tacos in order to please both sides of the family, but it's going to be delicious. Granny Smith Apple stuffed chicken breast. Nom nom nom.

We also booked a florist who is super excited about the peacock theme. We worked with him to bring the price down considerably... because you can't buy a house and plan a wedding at the same time and throw your money around willy nilly. Am I right?

I found the most adorable wedding save the dates and invitations on Etsy and as soon as we get the ceremony location firm (hopefully later today!) we will proceed with ordering a bunch of them.

I have to admit, for a while this wedding stuff was stressing me out to the point that I didn't even want to think about it. But things are really starting to come together and I couldn't be more excited! I even bought a cute decorative bird cage this weekend to use at the reception to hold cards. It makes me squeal with delight.

Oh, and can I just say that I am way more excited about the prospect of owning some dogs in the near future than all this boring house hunting stuff. DOGGIES! (If anyone out there has experience with Italian Greyhounds, hit me up. We need to chat on the ASAP.)



Becky said...

I'm sorry to hear about the house. There will be many more though.

Love you peacock wedding ideas. So cute and original.

Kyla Bea said...

Sounds like you guys are going about this in a really balanced way - the house hunting and the wedding and everything!

And greyhounds?? That's crazy! A family friend has them and they're wonderful - and unlike other large dogs they actually live a normal life span, so it's not extra sad to have one. Have fund with all of the craziness!

Lauren said...


I love that you're having a peacock motif. How neat is that?! Also, great idea ordering save the dates off etsy. I bet they're much cheaper and way more original.

**Liz** said...

I think you are right about the house stuff. If it didn't feel right and you could live without that house and the price tag, then just move on. (plus, it was a good idea to bring a third party in to get a view of it and their opinions).

Congrats on the caterer and the invites!

B said...

my former roommate has two italian greyhounds and they are FULL of energy, but super easy to keep clean because they're hypoallergenic and don't shed.

so long as you can get 'em a bunch of exercise, I think you'll be a-okay. ;)

Arlynn said...

yay, I'm so excited to learn that you're delving into the planning process & getting so much taken care of! And congrats to you for working out such fantastic deals, I can't wait to see photos of everything coming together, especially those phenominal feathers : )

Tam said...

being able to walk away is the most important thing about house buying - or anything buying IMO.

I felt the same way about wedding stuff and then when things started coming together and we were actually GETTING A DEAL! oh and I had my dress in my closet and could try it on every other day... then things were real and fun. Real fun. Cheers!

EP said...

Ah, I'm sorry the house didn't work out. But that's awesome about the wedding booking stuff and a peacock theme! So fun!

And puppies -- aren't they great? I look forward to owning a home so I can get another one, which will no doubt make my boy SO happy. ;)

Renee said...

Wow. I don't even want to think about what a caterer who offers granny smith chicken would cost! Hellloooo buffet line! And the peacock theme? SO CUTE. I've been seeing it EVERYWHERE but I think it's definitely one of the prettier, more sophisticated wedding trends.

Lindsay said...

You guys are making a lot of progress! I love the peacock theme. Can't wait to see pictures after the big day :)

Hillary said...

ooohhh I love Italian Greyhounds. I almost stole one from the dogpark for Stella. What? The owner wasn't even watching it.

Pretty Unfamous said...

I still love your peacock theme--your wedding I imagine will be SA-WEET!

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

OMG, so much excitement for one week! I can't wait to hear so much more as everything unfolds.

Anonymous said...

buying a house made me realize i NEEEEED dogs too!

don't worry, you'll get your perfect house when you're supposed to get it. don't settle!

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to wish you luck on the house hunt. It can be such a grueling process but it sounds like you've taken a wonderful approach to dealing with it, and I'm sure it will pay off in the end.

Unknown said...

i'm so happy that things are looking up again. :) being able to put in an offer on a house is crazy/nerve-wracking enough, not to mention working on the wedding stuff.
also... puppies!! i want a puppy too, so i can assist in your search. my mom used to breed doggies, and i've watched the dog shows for as long as i can remember... so i'd say i'd say i'm pretty qualified. ;) the italian greyhounds are great from what i've heard. i've considered them in my search. :)

Non Sequitur Chica said...

Love the peacock theme!!

Lacey Bean said...

wedding planning is nuts! I was thinking of getting a birdcage for our cards too! Luckily my co-maid of honor got me the "anti-bride wedding planner". It's awesome!

Unknown said...

Wow you've got a lot of stuff going on!! I'm glad you seem to have it all together though! I'm super impressed. Italian greyhounds are the little ones yes? My father in law and his wife adopted a rescue one, and he's the sweetest thing ever. He was VERY skittish around people when he first got there (and longer..) but finally they really focused on socializing him with people and now he's the sweetest thing ever. I love how he lays down.. all legs. Though theirs does shed. lots of little hairs.

Maxie said...

I think wedding planning would be so fun! And the peacock theme will be awesome. Love the colors. Make sure you get a matching tux for Monster.

alyssa said...

Wow, all these things going on at once...very fun! The dog thing is definitely one thing we were very excited with when we got our house, as soon as we had our fence redone, we got our dog :) Haha! I'm so interested to see your peacock wedding stuffs!!!

Anonymous said...

seriously your house is out there. we had like 4 that fell thru and we are SO glad they did because the house we bought is perfect for us!

glad the wedding planning is fun now!! :)

Unknown said...

The peacock theme is amazing. Very creative and fun! Good luck with househunting and puppy shopping :)

Anonymous said...

Dogs are definitely the best part of homeownership - I know nothing about Italian Greyhounds, but I hope you get your wish! :D

Katelin said...

aw i am so excited all your wedding plans are coming together. i always wonder how people get it all done as well as you know, have a normal life, haha.