Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Man and His Towel

Andrew and I both suffer from allergies. The difference is that his allergies are related to furry critters while mine are related to dust, pollen, strawberries, and the sound styrofoam makes when it rubs together. *PUKE*

When we visit my parents, Andrew turns into a miserable sniveling, sneezing, blob of snot. My parents, who own two cats and a VERY NICE LOOKING DOG NAMED RINGO, do everything they can to remove allergens before our visits. They vacuum the entire house, including the furniture, they run an air purifier, and try to keep the cats in the basement. Usually their efforts are in vain. Despite preemptive Claritin attacks and minimal contact with the pets, we usually cut our visits short to spare Andrew the days of misery that follow his exposure.

Ringo is fierce

What does all this have to do with a towel? The towel, my friends, was given to us by our friendly local greyhound adoption volunteer. After learning of Andrew's allergies, she promised to "prepare" an object for us to use to test his reaction to greyhound dander. One of the reasons we are so interested in adopting a greyhound is that they rarely shed and are thought to be very good for allergy sufferers due to their light coats. Andrew's allergies didn't respond to hanging out with the greyhounds at a meet and greet we attended about a month ago--so the towel is just an extra precaution.

What are you supposed to do with a sick towel covered in the fur and dander of multiple greyhounds?

Hang out with it and watch the hockey game, of course!

The things that boy does for me. I love him. :)


B said...

I REALLY hope that y'all get to adopt the doggie!!!

Dwight said...

Maybe the Ringo ate your baby. … What? … The Ringo ate your baby!

Lauren said...

Haha - that IS a perfect way to see if you're allergic! Rub the towel all over your face!

Dwight said...

I'm not allergic, but this (my next pet!) would probably be ideal for allergy-suffering cat lovers: http://www.kitten-stork.com/images/sphynx-kitten.jpg

Mermanda said...

Dwight, I am calling you when I wake up in a cold sweat from the nightmares that link will surely give me. Someone needs to feed that thing!

Maxie said...

i refuse to support the adoption of this pet unless you name the dog cleo!

Tam said...

so what all is on that towel....?
Labradoodles are also hypoallergenic, oh an those bald dogs. but ew, bald dogs?

Anonymous said...

My Andrew can't handle the styrofoam sound either. He screams when he hears it.

I've got my fingers crossed for you guys! Greyhounds are fabulous!

Sh. said...

Poor guy! I hope you're able to adopt! We rescued our two, with no idea how allergic I am! Whoops!

Anonymous said...

Aww - that is sweet! :) I hope you get to adopt a doggie. They truely are SO worth it.

Jess B-Dubs said...

i'm totally grossed out by the thought of pandrew rubbing his face in dirty dog dander. barf! you guys have sick fetishes!

rachaelgking said...

Awww... I hope the greyhound works out! I will say that B is (albeit mildly) allergic to kitties, and he's been fine with our- there are hypoallergenic wipes you can use on them, and sprays for the furniture. Plus, if you're consistently exposed to one animal, you develop a degree of immunity. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I love the picture! I hope he doesn't have a full out allergy meltdown and you guys get to adopt a snuggly greyhound :-)

Katie Scarlett Brandt said...

you NEED to try the neti pot. i swear by it.

.jimaie.marie. said...

omg, it's true love!! :D whatta guy.

Rae // theNotice said...

Aww!! As usual, you two are just too cute. I really hope it works out, hon!!

Jane said...

This is going to be one of those super nerdy comments that is probably not helpful at all, but I usually have better luck if friends with cats either don't vacuum at all, or vacuum a few days before I visit. Something about vacuuming the day I arrive turns a mildly annoying reaction into a full-blown asthma attack.

I hope you guys get the pup!