Monday, May 11, 2009

A Very Important Question

I need to thank The Bloggess* for reminding me of what I wanted to blog about today. I need to ask you all a Very Important Question: How many pine cones would you eat in an hour if you were paid $50 per pine cone? Because I tested this question out at a party this weekend, I can anticipate some of your questions... 1. You CAN'T use any appliances such as a food processor. 2. You CAN use heat and water to prepare your pine cone meal if you wish. 3. You CAN use condiments to make your pine cones more palatable. 4. The pine cones are average sized and slightly open. And if any of you wiseguys try to pull a Jessica and tell me you can eat 50 of those sonuvabitches, I want you to find a pine cone and just TRY to take a bite of that conifer goodness. You can't do it. *See #7 on her post "25 things about twitter that are pissing me off"


rachel said...

$50 a pinecone is so not worth the effort required. i'll have to go with a big fat ZERO on that one. :)

leni said...

definitely none. that just sounds disgusting!

Maxie said...

I think I could get at least $50 per blowjob, and I'd rather do that than eat a pinecone.

Lauren said...

Yeah, $50 is totally not worth it. Ewwww.

Mermanda said...

Wow. You are all letting me down in a big way. I guess Pittsburghers are more willing to eat indigestible things for money than the common person. I did not know this.

Princess Pointful said...

Whatever. I would do at least ten. I'm a trooper.

PS. My first time commenting on your blog, and my word verification is "racist". Why don't you like me?

ria said...

i want to say 2 but i'm afraid you are going yell at me lol

Mermanda said...

Princess Pointful, I think the more appropriate question is, "why are you such a racist?"

Also, there are ten pine cones coming your way via the U.S. Postal Service.

Princess Pointful said...

Be prepared to spend extra cash delivering them up to Canadia-land!
And methinks I need to do some soul searching. The mighty google word verification has cut me to my core.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I'm allergic to pine trees I think so I'd probably die on my first one. So I then.

Melissa Maris said...

Um I'm going to say 0. Seems like you're just asking for a chipped tooth or a bad case of indigestion...even if they were prepared in a lovely cream sauce or something.

Mermanda said...

Jenny, the Bloggess, I want you to know that there are no rumors swirling around the twitterverse that I killed The Bloggess. (In the conservatory, with a pine cone.)

Unknown said...

I'll take four, boiled in salted water with a side of honey/mustard to dip thankyouverymuch!

Katelin said...

yeah i don't think i'd eat any. i'd get $50 elsewhere, i'd like to keep my teeth in tact, haha.

MsDarkstar said...

I shudder to think what it would do to my intestines.

michelle woo said...

I think I can eat one. I have intestines of steel.

Dwight said...

Well, the question does not explicitly limit how much time I have, it just asks how many I'll eat in an hour, so I will say 1 in an hour, but I would keep racking up my $50/cone for as long as I could.

EP said...

I don't think I could stomach any of them. Between the crunchiness to the pine cone sticky-ness (and the sharpness of the umm, pines?), I couldn't do it.

If the price were raised to $1000, I'd try my damnedest to down one, though.