Monday, June 9, 2008

David Sedaris Loves SunChips

This weekend was incredible. Everyone should have such a weekend in their lives at least once. I was surrounded by great friends, family, and a 40 ft. slip 'n slide. But more on that later... right now I want to tell you about my encounter with David Sedaris, my favorite contemporary author.

I ran to the book store weeks ago for the pre-sale of Sedaris' new book, When You Are Engulfed in Flames. Buying the book early secured my place in the front of the line at his reading June 8 at Joseph-Beth Booksellers.

The reading was hilarious. I don't know how he can keep cranking out such lol-worthy books, but the man did it again. I can't wait to sink my teeth into the new book... but I have to finish The Rum Diary first (Book #19 of the "50 Books in 2008" mission.)

Anyhow, Sedaris is truly everything I hoped he would be. He is kind (carried his chair 20 feet over his head through the crowd so a older woman in the audience could sit during his reading). He has a quick wit and gave very amusing answers to the audience's questions. He is willing to let his readers in on his secrets (he read the audience excerpts of his diary).

When it was my turn to have my book signed, Sedaris was munching on SunChips--one of my favorite snacks. I said, "Oh, I love these too!" He said, "That's something we have in common!" He asked me a few questions about what I do for a living, and then signed my book: "To Amanda, We love SunChips. David Sedaris."

I was laughing as I read what he wrote, and he handed me a chip as we parted ways.

How freaking awesome is that? I have so much love for that man. ::Swoon::


margot said...

ooo thats fabulous! i gotta check out that new book.

Lauren said...

I love, love, love Sedaris. I'm so upset that he's not coming here. He's hilarious and his books are an inspiration.

julia brooke hustwit said...

That's great! Also my favorite author. I've seen him speak before but never so close. :) I did get to meet Ira Glass, though, and have a somewhat similar experience, sans the Sun Chips.

Jess B-Dubs said...

while YOU got a sunchip, i got a scowl and a "why don't you go out and buy my book?" *weep*

Lisa said...

ha I loved how you signed it. I love him on This American Life, but I didn't know he wrote! I should check his books out!

Daszzle said...

That sounds awesome. I'm ashamed to admit that I'd never heard of him before your post, but he sounds awesome. Now I really want to read one of his books. Which is your favorite?

Mermanda said...

lfar & daszzle: Start reading with either "Me Talk Pretty One Day" or "Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim." Either would be terrific introductions to Sedaris' writing.

Jamie Lovely said...

This makes me love him even more!

Anonymous said...

Ditto to Jamie's comment!

I can't wait to read his new book. I should look up where else he's going to give readings.

Sophia said...

lucky! I need to get my hands on that book. and add it to my queue of, well, too many books to read.