Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

It looked like Christmas was going to be a big downer for me this year. There was drama at my parents' house and Andrew woke up feeling very sick on Christmas Eve. Insisting it WAS NOT a hangover, he got my sympathy and I went to the store for supplies to nurse him back to health. I waited on him throughout the afternoon, as he laid on the couch swaddled in blankets. After he threw up "a little bit" it became obvious to me that he was too sick to leave the house, I called my parents to tell them Andrew wouldn't be joining us for Christmas Eve dinner. When I told Andrew I thought it was best he stayed home so he didn't get my family sick, he gave me the puppy dog face. "I want to be a Christmas person," Andrew pleaded. "Well how do you feel?" "I haven't thrown up in hours." "That's not the same as feeling well. I'm not sure it's a good idea..." While I still believed it was a hangover from staying out late with the boys the night before, he claimed it was food poisoning from eating ham and potato salad that was sitting out for six hours at his office Christmas party. I thought that sounded pretty believable. And so (after a few shots of Pepto-Bismol) we met my parents, sister, and her friend at my family's favorite Asian restaurant for our traditional Christmas Eve meal. Afterwards, my mom talked the family into skipping church to go home and relax. (Bad Mommy.) We exchanged gifts, watched a movie, and played a game--which Andrew, my mom, and I dominated, thank you very much. The next morning, we were off to Andrew's parents' house for merriment and gifts with his sister and her boyfriend. Andrew and I were both slackers this year and did not give his parents a list of things we wanted. It turned out to be one of the most magical Christmases ever. They really shot themselves in the foot, though, because we're sure to never give them another Christmas list again. (Sorry, Susan!) The first gift I reached for had a pteradactyl ornament taped to the box. (How could I not go for the bait?) Well... does this look familiar?
I think I squealed upon seeing "Origami Ink" on the box. Oh, and then I made out with the bird. So what?
How unbelievably awesome does this thing look on our mantle? I have a problem with breaking fragile things, so Andrew made me promise him that I'd never touch it again. It's for the best. I love love love it! Thank you so much Jack and Susan! You are both very sneaky Santas.
Snuggling with our new handmade Steelers blanket.
Meet Smuckers. She's kind of a brat.
Andrew's sister and her boyfriend gave me a rockin' cupcake book, so be on the lookout for some photos of the craziest cupcakes you've ever seen in the near future. (They also gave me salad hands. If you don't know what those are, your life is incomplete.) After we opened gifts, we ate a delicious french toast casserole. There was also LOTS of bacon. And I think we can all agree (except you veggies out there, of course) that bacon is the true meaning of Christmas. Much more Christmas fun in the evening followed; we had dinner at Andrew's aunt's house. (That's right, I used a semi-colon. I haven't blogged in ages, so I feel compelled to bring out the big guns.) I met some of his relatives from Nashville for the first time, and they all lived up to their reputations as being "the cool cousins." Oh, and I'm not just saying that because they all admitted to reading my blog after getting e-mails about the proposal video on Glamour. Yes, Andrew's entire extended family has now viewed Andrew ripping a bandage from my arm on the Internet. And that's what I love about techonology, people. :) There were three new babies at the dinner festivities, and I did manage to make one cry when I asked to hold her. In my defense, I think she was incredibly tired. I swear babies like me! The highlight of the evening, for some, was cocktail hour--featuring pomegranate martinis. I stuck with wine, and I'm very thankful for my decision. It was later revealed that each martini contained a half a cup of vodka. Oh, yes. That's about four shots of liquor. I can see how that would have gone... me hugging the toilet for Christmas dinner. Not exactly the impression I'd like to make. Not everyone was so lucky. Uncles slurred their speech. Aunts let curse words flow from their tongues. The term "tea bagging" was used--several times. Ben? I think that at least ties your Hummer experience. Christmas continues Friday when we celebrate with the other side of Andrew's family. Bring. It. On.


CIP said...

Aww! Your Christmas sounds lovely! Love the blanket even though I'm an Eagles girl myself. The picture of you and the bird ornament is adorable. Oh, and I totally agree about bacon...yummmm. There was lots at my house yesterday!

Anonymous said...

That birdy is awesome! Sounds like a great Christmas :)

Pretty Unfamous said...

Smuckers DOES look like a brat, haha. She's got a look on her face that says "Oh Brother." Merry Christmas!

Kyla Bea said...

I would just like to say that I love your wedding countdown on the bottom of your blog! Very cute!

Glad you guys had a cozy Christmas, and that Andrew is resting up (and that you don't have what he has!)

Merry Christmas = )

Anonymous said...

Mmm bacon.

Sounds like you had a cute Christmas!

Anonymous said...

so glad it turned out well! you guys are so cute :)

Becky said...

I hope Andrew feels better soon. Your bird is gorgeous!

Lauren said...

What a fun Christmas! That's so great that you got the bird - it's perfect. :)

Sh. said...

THE BIRD! How exciting! I snuck a peek at Origami Ink's website and I think I've fallen in love.

Anonymous said...

is christmas over yet?

kwərk said...

That sounds very busy and very fun, which is the way Christmas should be I guess. :)

Gwen said...

What an awesome Christmas!
The wedding countdown is adorable.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you had a wonderful Christmas and oh-my-goodness those martinis sound lethal!! haha!

Anonymous said...

Cute snuggly wuggly pictures!

Unknown said...

So jealous of the bird...not so much the make out but its okay. It takes all kinds.

I hate bacon. It makes me sick, literally. I am however all about the sausage.

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

Yay, you got the bird. It's so cute.

Katelin said...

aw sounds like a great christmas. and that's so great she got you the bird, i love sneaky gifts that people get you when you mention it in passing. always a great surprise :)

Hillary said...

i LOVE salad hands

EP said...

Your Christmas sounds like it was fantastic! I hope everything is going well in the new year, as well! Aren't surprise presents the best?

sarah marie p said...

SO glad your Christmas turned out to be a good one! yay! And it made me so happy that you got your little birdie! It also sucks to not buy something you really wanted and then regret it. Good job sneaky santas! And you guys looks so cute and cuddly in that blanket!

Tam said...

Mermanda, please come back and blog. We miss you!

Ben said...

OMG. I don't know how I missed this post but the term tea-bagging is a guaranteed obnoxious laugh from me!