Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Home sweet home

I absolutely love the tiny apartment that I share with boyfriend. It is far from perfect, but we've made it our home. There are lots of windows and a front and back porch. We've made good use of what little space we have... but still... we feel cramped now and then.

There is a "second bedroom" but it is just barely big enough to fit a few shelves and two portable closets, which are essential to make up for the lack of storage. The counter space in the kitchen is non-existent. Oh, and did you say linen closet? We don't have one. Who has ever heard of such a thing? Instead, we have a 20-year-old "linen dresser" that I've crammed our towels and bedding inside. It isn't ideal, but it works.

So, imagine boyfriend's chagrin when I tell him I have no interest in moving into a bigger place. I'm ten minutes from work and the neighborhood is adorable and safe. We don't have much room, but we get by. What's the problem?

Boyfriend made us an appointment to look at a new apartment tonight. It is impossible for me to not get excited when I look at the gorgeous photos of this place. It is straight out of a magazine. (Oh, and I think they might even allow pets! SQUEEEEE!!)

We aren't sure when the apartment is available, but boyfriend said, "Don't make plans for this weekend... we might be moving."

Oh, and it is only a few minutes away from where we live now. It's not the same adorable neighborhood, but it is a cute little walking community of its own, surrounded by parks, yummy restaurants, several bars, and a charming old movie theater.

Check out the photos :)


Anonymous said...

wow looks nice :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That place is absolutely beautiful!

Are you sure the boyfriend didn't pull those pictures out of Home and Country? :)

Anonymous said...

That place looks amazing! Can I come live there with you?

Mermanda said...

Maria, thanks! I'm excited to see it in person in a few hours.

Deanna, I saw the e-mail from the landlord, so I think it is legit!

Jamie, duh! Pack your bags for Pittsburgh. Bring that cutie dog of yours too!

addy said...

Oh my gosh. I want to live in a place like that! I love the hardwood floors and the porch!

Anonymous said...

That's really cute! Can I live with you? :)

Anonymous said...

Wow very nice!

Becky said...

That apartment looks so cute! I wish I could live there...

Bayjb said...

Wow that does look nice. I might take it if you don't ;) It's great when you make your little spot a home no matter how big/small it is.

Anonymous said...

If I were you I think I would handcuff myself to that shower curtain rod and refuse to leave.