Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Seeing Red (and I'm not just talking about my checkbook)

It was raining when I left for work this morning. Most people probably curse Mother Nature (or whoever is in charge of the weather) when they need to reach for an umbrella first thing in the morning. Me? I'm just happy I get an excuse to give these babies a day out of the closet.

Check Target.com for more colors and patterns than your eyes can handle. Most are $24.99, but I see some colors are on clearance for $13.99.


Pretty Unfamous said...

I still don't know how I feel about galoshes for someone older than 6 years old. I'm on the fence.

Not Tina said...

I wasn't crazy about the idea of rain boots until I saw this posts. Now I feel like I NEED a pair of plaid ones!

Andrea said...

I think rain boots are so adorable, but its something I would never remember to wear if I had it (like umbrellas, I always leave mine at home).

Lauren said...

I. love. them.

Kerri W. said...

I want some!

Stupid California and your stupid year-round sunshine. I shake my fist at you!

sarah marie p said...

Wah! I want it to rain! Stupid Cali indeed!

Anonymous said...

They really are super cute!! :)

Anonymous said...

I want some red ones. There is something that is just awesome about red galoshes.

Kyla Bea said...

I can't even handle how cute those are! I'm currently scouting winter boots....they're not nearly as appealing.

Maybe if I buy white ones and paint them red with polka dots...

Mermanda said...

Angela, as a college student, you NEED rain boots. Now. Go order them. I mean it.

Sara, Yes. You do.

Andrea, I know what you mean, but once the "Oh, crap, it's raining," thoughts come to mind, it is pretty easy to remember how not to get your feet soaked.

Lauren, I hear it rains in Florida sometimes. wink, wink.

Wishcake, you poor thing. :P

Sarah Marie, you and Wishcake should get a rain dance going.

Jamie, how bout another "reward"?

SleepyJane, Thanks!

Kyla, there you go, being crafty!

Lexilooo said...

those are adorable! I bought some on clearance at jcrew last spring, yellow with red ladybugs :)