Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Doctor I-Want-To-Kiss-Your-Face

Two weeks ago: Dr. Douche Bag: (Examining my quickly yellowing front tooth) "It appears your tooth is dying. I'm not overly concerned about it. Let's just wait and see." Today: Dr. I-Want-To-Kiss-Your-Face: (Examining x-rays of yellow front tooth) "Something extremely weird is going on with your tooth. We need to do something immediately if you want to keep this tooth around for the rest of your life. I'd like to send you to a very good specialist to make sure everything goes smoothly." The root canal is scheduled for next Wednesday. And you know what? I'm relieved. Let's fix this sucker once and for all. P.S. The specialist who will be performing the root canal is down the hall from Dr. Douche Bag's office. I asked my new awesome dentist for a disguise. He said, "Sure. We'll just dress you up as Michelle Obama!" LOVE HIM! P.P.S. Dr. I-Want-To-Kiss-Your-Face told me he has several of Dr. Douche Bag's former patients. Don't ya love it?


ria said...

YAY for good dentists! you maybe the first person i know that is excited for a root canal though ;)

Lauren said...

Yay! I'm glad you got the whole tooth situation (and dentist situation) figured out. Go figure he has a load of patients - he's actually a good dentist!

Maxie said...

yea, but is he hot?

Mermanda said...

Maxie, he is handsome, but that is really not something I look for in a dentist. I had a startling hot dentist once before and it made me terribly nervous for my appointments. I'd actually prefer my dentists to be rather homely. ;)

Sophia said...

i'm so glad you're in good hands now! and you should definitely dress up as michelle obama :)

michelle woo said...

-From a fellow teeth/mouth blogger

Kyla Roma said...

Yes!! That's so much better! I get people being apathetic about their jobs after a while but when your job is someone's health? Come on now.

thatShortchick said...

i say you and dr. douche bag's former patients should form a gang and go kick his behind!

but yay for dr. i-wanna-kiss-your-face! i've had a bad experience with a former dentist so i know all about re-discovering that type of love :)

Pretty Unfamous said...

Is he cute, too?

Katelin said...

oh yay for a good dentist, that's awesome.

Rae // theNotice said...

Lol!! I love your new dentist ^^

Btw, you would totally make a hot Michelle Obama. And oh *so* believable, too!

Sarah said...

You would totally make a great michelle obama!

Jenn said...

Glad you're getting the tooth taken care of! Boo for douche bag dentists. Hooray for awesome ones!