Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just humor me.

Stolen with much love and affection from Brandy...

I can’t…
Do a cartwheel. Roll my R's. Think about Maddie without tears welling up in my eyes. Stop having dreams about the girls I called my best friends in high school. Kill a bug without shrieking. Ride spinny rides at the amusement park. Ever seem to get to my cell phone in time to answer calls. Eat sugar snap peas, strawberries, or black raspberries without my mouth itching like crazy.

I can...
Bake a mean cookie. Sing along with most boy bands. Quote Anchorman. Watch HGTV all day. Amuse myself. Do a bad Arnold Schwarzenegger impression. Achieve most goals I set for myself. Admit that the Internet is my only vice.

I won’t…
Make promises I can't keep. Bake another pizza until this weather cools off again. Dwell on my short-comings. Stop taking my daily vitamin after a week (like I usually do). Carry a balance on my credit card. Ever be without hand sanitizer in my purse.

I will…
Send thank-you notes to our friends who helped us move two weeks ago. Ask for a promotion this year. Apply for my passport. Snuggle the crap out of Luke--beginning tonight! Make more time for my girlfriends. Order some whimsical art from Etsy for our kitchen. Pick up the dry-cleaning and get an oil change this weekend. Always be there for my parents.

I shouldn’t…
Stay up so late. Drink so much coffee (a new habit). Keep buying so many dog toys. Blast my space heater at work all year round. Waste so much time on the Internet. Spend my lunch breaks inside in front of my computer. Be so impatient.

I should…
Eat more fruits and vegetables. Write to or call my grandma. Send my future mother-in-law the guest list for my bridal shower. Buy a dehumidifier. Weed the back yard. Figure out how to wear my hair on my wedding day. Figure out how to get rid of the moths in our closets without using stinky mothballs. Return to Zumba class soon. Let myself "mark all as read" sometimes. Go to church.


Sarah said...

i was a 3rd grade failure and couldn't do a cartwheel or the splits.

and i feel ya on the dog toy thing. can't...stop...buying

Erin W said...

I can't roll my "r"s either! My Spanish teacher could not understand this.
Luke comes TONIGHT!? So exciting for you!

Lauren said...

I can't do a cartwheel or roll my R's either! How annoying!

And i also should eat more fruits and veggies. Alas.

Tam said...

Basement = dehumidifier

I eat at my desk w/my space heater on every day...ugh!

I wish I could not carry a balance on my card.

In other news, I saw a recipe for grilled pizza the other day...

I know, right?

Anonymous said...

moth deterrent= cedar. they sell hangy blocks at bed bath and beyond.

Hillary said...

I am thisclose to marking all as read. I'm not there yet ... but almost.

Jess B-Dubs said...

YES! leave more time for your girlfriends! i'm a girl AND your friend, so that better include me! AND...YES! you should return to zumba ASAP! i've been getting fiercer and fiercer at it. millicent misses you. i'll teach you how to do a cartwheel on saturday. haaaaaaa...

erimar77 said...

I love rolling R's.. I can't do Spanish, but German has a lot of them!