Monday, July 7, 2008

Cut from the team

Let's talk about guilt. Not the Catholic kind, or the kind you feel when you eat the last cupcake. I'm talking about the guilt associated with deleting your subscription to a blog that you've realized just isn't your cup of tea.

Am I the only one who feels like I'm committing some kind of blogging sin for turning my back on one of my own?


Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, yes. I feel like I have to comment on everyone's blog who comments on mine even though I don't have to. Sometimes we just have to clear out readers and blogrolls. Mine is about due.

Lauren said...

No, I feel the same way when I do it. I try, I REALLY TRY to read the blog...but when I just can't? I do feel guilt as well.

addy said...

No, I know what you mean. I recently took off a blog that I loved one or two posts on, but the rest made me uncomfortable! (It was the blog of a woman who was cheating on her sigificant other)I think the blogging world is all about finding blogs that you enjoy reading and identify with - there are plenty of other people out there to read the ones that aren't your cup of tea.

Bayjb said...

Yeah I definitely feel guilty. I keep a lot of them even if I've stopped reading it and keep thinking it'll be different but eventually I just let it go. Gosh I hope you haven't deleted mine :)

Anonymous said...

At times. Especially if it is someone who comments often. Sometimes I just can't keep up.

Anonymous said...

Ha. I rarely feel guilty about that. For me, when it comes to a lot of blogs, reading them is very cyclical. I'll go months of reading one religiously, and then drop it suddenly.