Thursday, July 17, 2008


Today I am the contributor for Lauren's amazing Testaments series on Half Deserted Streets. You can find my tale of heartbreak here.

Please check it out. That's all I have for you today. It is a crazy busy day.


Ben said...

Great post dear. You're awfully strong for bringing all that back to the surface again.

Johnny said...

when I was working the "monkey shit" job at pitt, I was often in a state of total bewilderment. I was working a terrible job and being dumped at the same time. it wasn't fun.

one day I decided to try a little experiment. I though of an ex of mine, someone I had once had incredibly strong feelings for...someone I'd cried many tears over...someone I hadn't spoken to in ten years or so...

I remembered her number, which was surprising, being that I can't usually remember what I've had for lunch. I made my way into an empty room in the labs and found a phone. I called her...

after the usual awkward beginning ("why are you calling me?"), we talked for 10 or 15 minutes on pitt's was a friendly conversation, but it wasn't earth moving or anything, you know...

I guess I wanted to prove that time does, indeed, heal all wounds. I think, although I don't have a copy here, that the ending of Maggie Cassidy by Kerouac can also throw some light on this all.

good stuff, amanda...

Anonymous said...

Having gone through something simillar very recently, I can understand a little of how painful the feeling is of losing the person who you have made your soulmate.... Reading how you got through makes me feel better and hopeful that I will get through this too :)

Mermanda said...

Ben, thank you. It feels good to be in a place where I can recall those days without any pain.

Larry, that's an interesting way of curing boredom! "Hey... remember when you broke my heart?"

BIAB: I'm so glad to hear you could get a little bit of comfort from my story. You will get through!