Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where can home girl buy a salt lick?

I read around the blogosphere (can't remember where, sorry)[EDIT: I read this on the fabulous Sophia's blog a few weeks ago] that our taste buds regenerate every seven years. Because of this, I'm guessing foods take on a slightly different taste every now and then. Maybe this explains that time I was shocked to discover--in my early 20s--that the once delicious Cookie Crisp cereal now tastes like stale cardboard.

Just a few years ago, I was known as "The Cookie Monster." I am the girl who has never turned down chocolate... except that one time. (But in all fairness, when my junior high stalker pulled that chocolate covered pretzel out of his pocket and it was shrouded in blue jean lint, I didn't technically turn it down. I just threw it on the floor in the school stairwell when he was out of sight. Any sane teenybopper would have done the same thing.) I would make trips to the bakery and leave drooling over my dozen fudge thumbprint cookies with chocolate sprinkles. I could not get enough sweets.

I kept a bag of dark chocolate in my office to keep my sugar cravings at bay. On my worst days, I would march across the street and order a chocolate chip walnut cookie from the French cafe. $2 for a cookie? Don't mind if I do.

Things started changing about a year ago when I caught myself fantasizing about sinking my teeth into a giant kosher dill pickle instead of a decadent piece of fudge. Instead of snacking on Chips Ahoy or Oreos, I would sit in front of the TV with a jar of green olives. Or kalamata olives. Or salt and vinegar chips. Do we notice a pattern here? Salt. Salt. Salt. Pizza with anchovies? Yes, I went there.

Sushi drenched in soy sauce is now one of my ultimate food fantasies. I crave it every day. It is not a cheap addiction. I just returned from a sushi lunch date with Boyfriend. $40 worth of sushi is not a good investment when my credit card bills are at an all-time high. (Buying furniture? So not cheap.)

Yesterday, while on our weekly grocery shopping spree, I hid a tin of sardines in our shopping cart. While unloading the groceries back home, I admitted to the secret salty fish purchase.

"Your salt addiction is really out of control, huh?" Boyfriend asked. "Maybe you have some kind of sodium deficiency?"

Yeah, I don't see how that can be true. I think at this point my organs are nicely preserved in a generous coating of salt. Yum.


Anonymous said...

A woman after my own heart.

I always have at least 2 jars of green olives in the fridge for those random, NEED SALT NOW moments. Which, I admit, is about 5 times an hour these days.

I love how you put anchovies in the shopping cart -- so hilarious!

Ben said...

Sushi is MY LIFE. I crave it every single day and it only gets worse when I read other people writing about it. SO STOP, for the sake of my sanity!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a huge fan of salt, but I must admit that I can never turn down a delicious kosher pickle. Yum!

Anonymous said...

i could eat an entire jar of green olives in one sitting...i could also eat an entire cake or at least make a damn good attempt.

but yes i know what you're saying, a couple years ago i did not have the passion for desserts that i have today.

Mermanda said...

Morgan, you are making me hungry for some green olives! Good thing I have a jar and a half at home!

Ben, I won't write about it if you don't. (SUSHI!) Ooops...

Sara, this is why I love delis. Give me a pickle spear and you will be my friend for life.

Sarah, I'm so glad to know I'm not alone. I didn't know so many people shared my love for olives. (slurp)

Dolce said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one who is having a love affair with salt. I can't keep my tongue off it. Pickles, olives, potato chips, soy sauce, ketchup, and just plain kosher salt.

I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Pretty Unfamous said...

Mmmmmm chocolate covered pretzels make my mouth water! Nice mix of sweet AND salty!

Anonymous said...

I love both salty and sweet things with equal abandon. :)

Mermanda said...

Dolce, plain kosher salt? You eat salt by the spoonful? I think I might have just been dethroned.

Angela, I could eat a whole bag of chocolate covered pretzels in one sitting. No doubt. Unless a creepy kid just pulled them from his jeans pocket.

SleepyJane, I hope I didn't give you the wrong impression. There are still days when I must have something sweet. Lately my sweet tooth craves Boston Cream Doughnuts. SOOOO GOOOOOD.

Anonymous said...

this post cracked me up! I love the last line..."Yeah, I don't see how that can be true. I think at this point my organs are nicely preserved in a generous coating of salt. Yum."

Thanks for the laugh :)

Rae // theNotice said...

Lol!! My sister wants me to talk to my doctor about a possible sodium deficiency, too - I constantly crave salt.

And I agree... kosher salt is amazing, folks! A must-eat for the salt-obsessed.

Sophia said...

oooh ooh, was it my blog?? I had forgotten why I had mentioned that til I looked it up...