Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Utah can haz 4-day work week...

I know I'm a little late on this news... but here's hoping this is only the beginning of a very appealing solution to save resources.

I never thought I'd say this... but I'm jealous of Utah.


Kyla Bea said...

At one of my friend's workplaces they work 15 mins a day more during the fall and winter so they can take 4 day weeks for the summer, and the time actually balances out.

I'm totally jealous.

Pretty Unfamous said...

I'm not sure what I think of that idea. In essence, I think it's good. it will DEFINITELY cut down costs dramatically. I'd like to see their numbers even after the first month. Maybe the rest of the country will follow. As long as it's only certain agencies, I think it's a good idea, but we can't go closing down EVERYTHING on Fridays.

Laura said...

i just gave you a well-deserved award! details are on my blog.
: )

Andrea said...

Hahaha, same sentiments here. Of all places, Utah?

Anonymous said...

I used to work at a place where we worked 9-hr days Mon-Thurs and then a four-hour Friday. That was awesome enough. I would kill for a four-day week!

Mermanda said...

Kyla, I'm jealous too! Crap.

Angela, As long as they keep the good stuff open... I'm in.

Laura, You shouldn't have! Thank you! I'll get to that ASAP.

Andrea, I know.... who knew Utah would be trailblazers?

Dwight, you must tell me where this place is and if they are hiring!