Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bird is the new orange?

Oy... I feel bad for boring you with nonstop babbling about the new apartment... but the beat goes on...

After browsing our local Pier 1 this weekend, I mentally dismissed the orange couch once I laid my eyes upon this desk and chair set.

It is blue and has gold and red accents--including hand painted birds and flowers. I literally threw myself on top of it and shrieked, "I LOVE THIS! THIS IS SO ME!" My eyes even started filling with tears of joy... what a huge loser I am.

Well, I bought it. (Duh.) And the matching chest. I don't know what I'm going to use the chest for yet, but extra storage always comes in handy. Plus, can you see how freaking adorable it is?

I can already envision much blogging happening a top the birdie desk, which will go in the second bedroom--or as I now refer to it, "the blogging parlor." All you etsy fans out there, keep your eyes peeled for some matching bird decor. I'm scouring the net for a super cute lamp to put on the desk. No luck so far.

The moving date is just 17 days away. Boyfriend and I are not sure if our money will be best spent on a sofa bed, futon, or air mattress for the guest room/blogging parlor. Sofa beds are expensive and not that comfortable. Futons are a little too college dorm room for me. And air mattresses seem like a royal pain in the ass. Please take my poll (side bar) so you all can help me figure this out. As a guest, would you rather sleep on a sofa bed, futon, or air mattress? This may not be purely hypothetical, as a few of you have already expressed interest in testing out the guest room :)

P.S. $450 furniture splurge = most expensive impulse buy ever.


Lauren said...

Oh my god--I LOVE THOSE. Seriously, they're absolutely amazing.

Great find!!

Anonymous said...

I love the desk and chair set!

Laura said...

Ah! i saw those just a couple weeks ago & LOVED them. so glad you bought them...now i can live vicariously through you.

also, i voted for the futon...while it is a little dormish, it is definitely the most convenient & possibly the most comfortable.

Anonymous said...

ikea has some futon-ish sofas that aren't hideous.

Bayjb said...

Ah I love the chest. I am in love with that color blue and the accents are perfect. Did you really throw yourself on it?? wow.

Jamie Lovely said...

This is adorable! I want it too!