Tuesday, November 18, 2008

BlogSecret: Work moron

The following is an anonymous post that I am hosting for BlogSecret. To view a list of all participating blogs, visit the blog of the BlogSecret organizer, Nilsa.

Yep. This is a post about work. Like many bloggers, I don't post about work on my blog, lest I get Dooced. Thanks to this ingenious idea by Nilsa, we can talk about secrets anonymously. I wonder how many participants of Blog Secret will post about work?

I landed a new job and have been there for a few months. Much better hours, much better pay, with even an opportunity to become a part-owner in a couple of short years. Sounds perfect right? It is, except for the office manager.

Who is the owners daughter. In just the short time that I've been there, I have learned an incredible amount about her. Namely, that she is in way over her head. She'll come to me and say something like, "This is the only way it can be, and you'll have to just accept it." Which will naturally prompt a question from me along the lines of "Why?" Her only answer is to say that she doesn't know and I'll have to talk to so-and-so. This little exchange happened about three times before I couldn't take it anymore and I asked her if it was because she didn't understand why it had to be a certain way. At least she admitted it.

Also, because she works in Daddy's office, she thinks that gives her the right to come and go as she pleases. Soon after I started working there, I learned that she was moving in a few weeks. Never before have I seen a move fraught with so much angst. She actually appeared in my office in tears at one point. I'm not above crying at work, but I do it in the bathroom. I don't spread it to someone else's office. So the move date came and she thought she needed a whole week's vacation to deal with it. That's fine; spend your vacation how you want. But when she was supposed to come back the next week? Oh, no. She needed another three days to deal with her period. Then this week, she left one day after lunch for the day. The following day she was gone all morning. The reason? For a massage, chiropractic adjustment, and a visit with her personal trainer. Gee, the rest of us have to do those things after work.

She is continually taking advantage of the other girls, which really pisses me off the most. As I just mentioned, she was able to take a whole week's vacation whenever she damn well pleased. One of the girls doesn't get *any* vacation until she's been there for a whole year. Another wants to take a week vacation just once. Last year, she was forced to take off five consecutive Fridays. This year, she can only take a Thurs/Fri, a weekend, and a Monday, surrounding when Daddy won't be there. I thought the term office manager meant that you knew how to do everything in the office. Especially an office as small as ours. She can barely handle her own job, let alone know how to do someone else's.

Before she got a job in daddy's office, she used to teach pre-school. At four pre-schools, to be exact. She got fired from all of them, as I was informed by one of the other girls in the office. Fired because she preached about God to the kids. Oh, yes. She's a Bible-thumpin, "God is good" spewin, Christian fundamentalist 40-year old virgin who has never dated.

When I take over the business, letting her go will be one of the first changes I make. I had to promise that to the other girls, or they promised to leave.

I owe many, many thanks to Nilsa for letting me get this off my chest. It felt great.


addy said...

WOW. What a crazy woman. I wish there were a way for her dad to see what her behavior was like - and fire her! What the heck!

... At least she doesn't preach to you? (I hope)

Hope the job is worth sticking it out.

Anonymous said...

yup. i agree. can that biatch's ASS!!

Anonymous said...

ps: i know this is an anon post, but i've been lurking on your blog for ages...

i've finally come out of the shadows and commented, and wanted to let you know i'm adding you to my blogroll!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I agree with you, she definitely doesn't sound like the most effective office manager in the world. She'd probably drive me crazy too, if I worked there!

Endless Randomness said...

Having to deal with crazy female co-workers is the worst! Know exactly what you must be going through.. I'm dealing with a similar moron myself these days.

Unknown said...

Can you do me a favor? When you take over the office, and you kick her dumb ass to the curb, can you make it REALLY GOOD?! And put it on YouTube?

Thanks! :)

Michelle Fluttering Butterflies said...

Wow, that's annoying. How can you stand it? You can't even raise the issue to anyone senior to her because she's the owner's daughter! I feel for you.

Christina said...

I guess it is hard for Daddy to be a boss when she ats like a 4 year old.

I hope tha twhen you tke over things will improve.

--V said...

Just a thought: have you considered that Daddy knows she's a screw-up and only hired her because he was pressured into it? I mean, getting fired from four other jobs? He might have an inkling.

I bet the entire office is counting down to the day when you become part owner.

jessica maria said...

Wow, I want whoever wrote this to do a sequel to it via blogsecret in 2 years. Ha.

Work and familial relationships usually end up in serious problems for the people and for the company. It doesn't make sense if she's such a blight on the company; totally sucks. Brave it through! Fire her later! I am sticking up a victory fist for you!

Lacey Bean said...

OMG she's 40?? From the way you described how she didn't know how to do her job I thought she was a 20 something just graduated from college girl! Oh wow.

Oh if she ever preaches to you, I hope you report her to the boss... her dad!!

saratogajean said...

Sounds like an office manager I used to have...I'd be counting the days until she'd kicked to the curb, too.

Or at least put in a position more suited to her abilities.

kc mom said...

Sounds to me like she has been spoiled rotte bitch her whole life. Daddy has been covering for her for a long time. At some point, Daddy won't be there---boy would I love a follow up then!!!
Good Luck kickin' her to the curb!!!!

Belle Ecrivaine said...

That is a much worse work situation than mine! If only there were a way for you to report her to her father. You'd think if he was a good businessman, he'd want to know if his business wasn't running as smoothly.

Redlefty said...

Walk in tomorrow morning, point at her and yell out,


Mandy Lou said...

I'm so with you, only for me it's my boss' wife (I'm guessing I can't fire her). Good luck with that, those type of people can make an entire office unbearable.

Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

I always said stupid people should have a constant headache. They deserve it for giving those around them headaches for having to deal with the stupidity. I kinda think that rule applies here. So, if I could, I'd give your co-worker a big fat, never-ending headache!!! =)

Anonymous said...

Oh lord, I used to work for my Dad and if I pulled any of that I'd be gone...and I just worked in a deli. I almost got in trouble because I needed to rearrange some hours to go to physical therapy...
But, karma is a bitch, it'll come around for her. (:

Melissa Maris said...

That's infuriating! The part about her leaving to see her personal trainer alone is enough to make a reader want to slap her. I hope you're able to take over the company sooner than later...

Mermanda - I like your blog a lot! This is my first time to your page and I've added you to my own page's bloggy list.

sarah marie p said...

Man. That "work moron" sounds like a pain ... but I also feel bad for her! Poor 40-year-old virgin!

Kyla Bea said...

What a nightmare!!
Glad you could vent this!

TC said...

So how soon do you get to take control?!? Soon I hope!

wafelenbak said...

I feel awful for you, but at the same time I am laughing my butt off at this woman. What a piece of work! Seriously, who gets fired from FOUR day care centers???

Stacy Disarrayed said...

Don't worry...I truly believe that karma exists and works...she (and others like her) will get what she deserves...even if it takes a long time!