Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is with today and this pin?

Okay. I mentioned it before. My dentist is kind of an asshole. I don't know his politics but something in my gut told me to take off my pin before setting foot in his office today. I shrugged off my gut feeling and wore it proudly as I walked up to the sign-in window. My dentist was talking to the receptionist and quickly noticed the Obama button on my coat. "Looks like we have ourselves a happy camper," the dentist said smugly. (I am not making this up.) "LET'S KILL HER!" exclaimed the receptionist. "I'm kidding... I'm kidding," she added sheephishly. Wtf? Seriously. WTF? So now I am thinking to myself, should I have taken the pin off? I mean, this man has the power to inflict a lot of pain on me. (I'm going back in a week to have a filling patched. I apparently grind my teeth at night. Who knew?) Stay tuned for more Obama button stories. As I think this is just the beginning...


Anonymous said...

You've got to be kidding me! At this point, I think you need to wear the button everywhere as not only a statement of defiance to folks like that, but as an experiment to see what other reactions you get!

I got an email from a friend of mine today (a nice one, but one who disagrees with me), "I figured you were pretty happy about the way the election turned out."


Nilsa @ SoMi Speaks said...

It's one thing to voice your political leanings (you do it by wearing your badge of honor, he does it through voice). It's entirely another thing to be unprofessional as a result. I would like to think he will treat your teeth the exact same way as he does all his other patients.

jessica maria said...

Eep! I'm so scared AND superstitious of dentists!

What a jerk.

Allison said...

Oh man! I hope no one kills you. I'm afraid of what might happen if I wear one of those pins in my community. They are a bunch of crazies!

Anonymous said...

Wow. What jerks.

Sarah said...

No you best be keepin that button on! You have a right to wear it, this is America after all!

Lauren said...

Oh man! Is a dentist allowed to profess his opinion like that?!

sarah marie p said...

"LET'S KILL HER!" exclaimed the receptionist. "I'm kidding... I'm kidding," she added sheephishly. ---- OMG! WTF?!?!?!

Man. That's just crazy. I can't believe it! SO unprofessional!

You keep that button on!!!!! Don't let the crazies get you down.

Pretty Unfamous said...

Ew. What a bitch.

Rachel said...

I had something similar happen. I was in the dentist's chair and the hygienist said "Better not let him see THAT" pointing to my Obama pin on my purse. I frantically flipped it around. That man was going to put sharp metal things in my mouth, I will agree with whatever he wants while I am in that chair.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I think McCain had a secret mafia of dentists. When I googled my dentist, I found out that she was part of all these crazy Must Stop Barack Obama groups. She tried swindling my money.

Kyla Bea said...

Wow with the bitter!!

If sounds like you should come up with a really slick one liner you can throw at these crazies who seem to be following you and your Obama pin everywhere you go!

Andrea said...

Some people just can't accept reality. Check out the 'pieces of flair' application on Facebook. Half of them are anti-Obama (the other half are about the Twilight books).

Rae // theNotice said...

Um, doll, I think you need to switch dentists.

Or maybe cities. Whichever.


CIP said...

That's kind of crazy....I really hate going to the dentist, and that probably would have made it even worse!

Anonymous said...

What a jackass. Also, that's insanely unprofessional and I likely would have smacked her upsdie the head.

Home Sweet Sarah said...

Umm, "Let's kill her!", that's ri-donkeyless.

Why do the dentist/dental hygienist think that you care about anything they have to say to you OTHER than what pertains to your teeth?! Some people...

And also, I realize I'm behind on the times on your blog, but this looks like it was posted post-election. So, uh, shouldn't they have moved on by then???