Thursday, November 20, 2008

Oh hell, why not

Lacey tagged me for a meme that I've done before, but it won't hurt to do it again.

P.S. A very short recap of the Prop 8 protest is on the way tomorrow. I just haven't had the time. Thanks for everyone's comments wondering how it turned out.

6 Random Things About Mermanda

1. I don't get as excited about the holidays as I used to as a child. I think this is true for a lot of adults, but I really miss the holiday rush. I like to think the spark of the holidays will return when I have children with whom I can share the traditions. I can't wait to start leaving cookies out for Santa again and carrots for the reindeer!

2. If you find a hair in your food while you are eating with me, try not to draw too much attention to this fact, or I will more than likely gag and/or throw up on the spot.

3. I have left a gigantic three-wicked candle burning overnight--not once--but TWICE. How I did not burn down the house either time is beyond me. Here's hoping there's not a third time.

4. I've been eating salads for lunch for about two months. I am officially SICK of salads. Someone please suggest a healthy lunch alternative that will not bore the crap out of my taste buds.

5. If I could live somewhere that has all of the seasons except winter, and convince my family to move with me, that, my friends, would be heaven.

6. I cringe when Andrew watches dumb TV like "The Pickup Artist" but I find it impossible to turn away from them.


Hillary said...

ugh - I sympathize with your salad dilemma

when I get sick of the salad bar, I switch to soup
as long as you stay away from the cream-based ones you should be okay

Anonymous said...

What about lettuce wraps? You can load up on chicken or turkey instead of the lettuce...

Anonymous said...

i don't get excited for holidays any more either :(

#2 i threw up a little in my mouth reading it thinking about finding one

and i can't give you lunch suggestions since i've been eating a turkey sandwich for lunch for about 7 years now...

P said...

I loathe salad. LOATHE it.

And if someone finds a hair in anything, it's more than likely mine unfortunately. I shed EVERYWHERE . . .

Andrew said...

Let's not be so quick to judge the TV viewing habits of someone who doesn't immediately cancel his Netflix subscription when Mandy Moore's entire filmography starts appearing in his mailbox. He sounds like a wonderful person, and is probably very handsome.

Anonymous said...

Wraps! Wraps are healthy and delicious and not as boring as salads!

Lauren said...

Oh, but it's the Pick Up Artist! Of course you have to watch that! Ha.

Elizabeth said...

I miss the holiday buzz too! I always try to get myself all hyped up about it, but then the day itself is usually such a letdown!

I like to bake wheat tortillas until they are crunchy, then I dip them in home made guacamole.

Melissa Maris said...

Awe c'mon The Pickup Artist is one of the most entertaining shows on TV! It's like a car wreck with feather boas and guyeliner.

Sh. said...

I feel ya on the salads thing. Do you have Panera? It's called St. Louis Bread Company here but I'm pretty sure they have national stores called Panera. Their salads are what have kept me alive for the last year...and I'm so done with them. I've turned to soup and sandwiches, although they don't quite measure up nutrition-wise.

I'm excited to read about the Prop 8 protest!

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

#4 - turkey? cottage cheese and fruit? hummos and veggies?

sarah marie p said...

OMG. Ewwwww hairs are SO nasty-pants.

I want to start eating healthy so if you think of something that's not a salad (so I can have more options) please let me know!

Kyla Bea said...

lol! You've struck a salad nerve! = )

Why not go to pitas? You can put hummus, chicken, lettuce & sprouts & tzaziki....

So good! And like a salad, but with less fatigue.