Thursday, October 2, 2008

I won't make that mistake again tonight

Day two of the running program ended with a terrible cramp in my right side. It hurt so much that I suspected one of my organs burst. When we returned from the run, I settled into the couch with a glass of water--slowly returning to a normal breathing pattern. That's when Andrew was reading the running program details and yelled from the other room, "Oh! We were doing it backwards! We ran more than we needed to! We should have ran for 60 seconds and walked for 90 seconds... we did it the other way around!"

Can I explain to you, my dear readers, how much this upset me?

A normal person might have said, "Oh! Wow! We ran more than we had to and lived to tell the tale! We are on our way to being marathon runners!"

But not me. I said, "WHAT?! NOOOOOOOO! THAT'S NOT FAIR!"

Yeah. I think this is why I've never been in shape.


Anonymous said...

I, too, have been told I'm doing it backwards.

But it had nothing to do with running.

Cassie said...

i feel your fitness pains.

Ben said...

hahahahahaha I'm so glad I'm not the only one who would feel so terribly cheated by that.

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to be one of those people who talked about their "runner's high" instead of the ones who talk about their "couch ass". So, I hired a running coach. I'd never run in my life. I had that running coach for about a month. At the end of the month, he looked at me and said "Some people just aren't runners.". Ouch to the old self esteem...

Lauren said...

Ahahaha. Yeah, i'd be upset too. No worries.

sarah marie p said...

hahah. A girl after my own heart! i would have said the same thing. NO me likey this running business!

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

LOL, I would be so pissed. You ended up on death's doorstop for nothing!

Anonymous said...

Oh nooooo! This sounds like something that I would do. Hey, look at it this way -- your next workout will be easier!

paisana said...

LMAO! Hilarious!

(I do this every morning, though, when I'm like "Six!? We only had to do SIX???")