Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Walk the walk

We are having a walking competition at my place of employment. It is a campus-wide effort to get people to adopt a more active lifestyle. This competition is very serious. There are pedometers, teams, and prizes. I have to log into the competition web site daily to log my steps. Sometimes Andrew shakes my pedometer to help me get more steps. Don't tell.

Anyhow, yesterday I went a little bit out of my way to actually do my part and reach my day's goal number of steps for the first time since the competition began a week ago. It didn't take too much effort. I took the stairs instead of the elevator twice. I walked to the library on my lunch break. I walked two blocks to a further bus stop. End result: I had about 2,500 steps more than "my goal." (Goal is determined by competition coordinator. If it was my actual goal, I'd make it like... the number of steps it takes to sit on the couch all night.)

So the reason I'm sharing this is so you can appreciate the location of my meeting this morning. At 10 a.m. I am meeting my colleagues in front of the office building, where we will then walk around the block as we discuss an upcoming fundraiser. Yeah. We're a traveling meeting. I wish people would be standing on the sidewalks with cups of coffee for us--like they do with marathons. Or whatever. I don't really know what happens at marathons. I heard something about "running."

K. These boots were not made for walking. But I don't think my colleagues will care. Off I go. With my pedometer. ::shake:: ::shake:: ::shake::


Ben said...

The idea of the traveling meeting had me in stitches. It's not obnoxiously funny at first, but the more you picture it...

jessica maria said...

I've always wanted to do one of those step evaluations...seems interesting and healthy and HELLO - you get to have meetings outside, which rules. As I write from my cubicle.

Laura said...

BAH! i am completely agreeing with ben...i'm not exactly sure why, but i was definitely laughing hysterically by the end of this post.

Lacey Bean said...

Hahah I would do the same thing. And I like that your job is doing that. We used to have walk-a-thons in elementary school, but no pedometers involved. :(

Hillary said...

I think that you should bring along a water bottle. And halfway through the traveling meeting you should pour the contents of the water bottle all over yourself, as if you are trying to cool down. If you do this, I will give you a dollar.

Hillary said...

Just to clarify - that's a Canadian dollar.

sarah marie p said...

Wow! A traveling meeting? I have never heard of that! Sounds pretty amusing/annoying. I think it's cool your job is making you walk -- mine just seems to make me fatter by having potlucks every other day and cookies and quiche ...

Anonymous said...

HAH! I love Hilary's comment. I'll give you a dollar too if you do this!

Anonymous said...

this actually sounds kinda cool. my office is on an old farm, so there's lots of land. i'd be happy to bring comfy shoes and spend some time outside.

Lauren said...

I really want to have a traveling meeting now. AND a pedometer!

Anonymous said...

We had a steps contest at my office. My team won. I spent many nights at the gym on the treadmill!