Monday, October 27, 2008

Proof that your jealousy is warranted

Yeah, I've mentioned it before. He cooks. He irons. He has like seven chest hairs (What? I haven't mentioned that yet? Well, maybe that's because he JUST grew them. He's very proud of all seven of those babies.)

Here's proof that he knows his way around the kitchen. I was craving mussels this weekend, so we planned on going to one of our favorite restaurants, The Gandy Dancer, to indulge after running some errands Saturday. The problem was, we were done with our errands at 4:15 p.m. and were not quite hungry yet, as our tummies (or at least mine) were still stuffed with delicious mac and cheese from a late lunch. Also, we are not exactly an "early bird dinner" kind of couple yet. With any luck, we will never be that unhip.

Anyhow! We decided to stop at the grocery store on our way home and try to make mussels ourselves. (Ourselves obviously equals Andrew's self.) Well guess what? It was so good that I stuffed my face until I could stuff it no more. I had to actually UNZIP my jeans at the dinner table. How is that for classy? Behold!

My mouth is watering all over again. I can't wait to eat these fabulous sea creatures again immediately.

Andrew used this recipe, but he skipped the red pepper and increased the garlic tenfold.

He served the delicious garlic covered mussels with garlic basil fettucine in a
white wine clam sauce, with calamari, scallops, and shrimp. All ingredients (except the mussels) were from Trader Joe's. Nom nom nom.


Unknown said...

If I ever visit you (who knows the world is filled with possibilities) I expect this as my dinner. Seriously. I will even go as far as bribing Andrew for this deliciousness.

Ben said...

"He has like seven chest hairs (What? I haven't mentioned that yet? Well, maybe that's because he JUST grew them."

You are going to be in so. much. trouble.

Anonymous said...

ohmyfreakinggoodness i want that now! can i borrow him and have him cook it for me? lord knows that c wouldn't know where to start with mussels ;)

Anonymous said...

When I come visit can you make Andrew cook for us?

I don't want to see his chest hairs though, even if there are just 7.

Hillary said...

I don't eat mussels (shellfish = death for me) but I was at a dinner where mussels were featured on Saturday. My cousin announced (loudly ... at a fancy shmancy restaurant) that mussels look like little vaginas when you get them out of the shell. Classy? Maybe not. Hilarious? Hells yes.

addy said...

Mmm. I had a similar craving for steamed clams last night - so good! Only, I'm far more impressed with your meal, since we went out to eat for ours!

Lacey Bean said...

I am super jealous!! If Dave ate fish I would make this in a heartbeat. But alas, he does not. :(

sarah marie p said...

Can you make me the veggie version of this? ha. Yay for homemade cooking!

Rachel said...

my hubby can cook too

It's a comforting feeling isn't it

Pretty Unfamous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pretty Unfamous said...

I left a big typo in the last one and it looked stupid, so here's the new and improved (or just spell-checked) comment.

He got my heart when you mentioned scallops. I could do without the mussels, though.

AND! My roommate works at the Grand Concourse. She was working Saturday, too. You probably would have seen her, haha

Rae // theNotice said...

You forgot to mention that he can drink and catch citrus at the same time! -gasp-


Anonymous said...

J would kill for that meal! ;) Unfortunately I'm not big on the whole seafood thing so he never makes it. HEY! That's an idea for his birthday! Thanks! haha

YAY for men that can cook!

Anonymous said...

Does he have a twin? :) Ok, seriously, my new man friend cooks (so far fajitas, chicken tacos, and lasagna) and I swear to God it's going to win me over. These mussels look AMAZING though! Maybe I'll prove to him that I can cook too and try it out... YUM!

Andrea said...

Honey, you found yourself a keeper.

Home Sweet Sarah said...

Hot damn, I am making mussels (and clams for the hubs) this weekend. We've never added scallops and calamari to ours before, but we should try it...Looks yummy!