Monday, November 24, 2008

I never was very fond of ham

I just wrote a blog about how I'm sick and blah blah blah WHO CARES? I'm not going to bore you with my aches and pains. Instead I will share with you a not so fond memory from my childhood.

In town to celebrate Thanksgiving and my birthday, my grandparents were staying with us for a few days. The family was seated at the table for dinner, a day or two before Turkey Day. I was probably about 7-years-old.

A tall glass of red Kool-Aid and a plate of ham sat before me. I took one bite of the ham and pushed it away.

"It's too salty!" I exclaimed in disgust.

"It is not. Now eat your dinner," either my mom or dad insisted.

"No... it's gross! I can't eat it."

"Just drink your Kool-Aid and take a few more bites."

Begrudgingly, I was obedient. I swallowed the Kool-Aid and ate a few small bites of the ham.

"I don't feel so good..."

Okay, the details get a little bit fuzzy here. But the image of Kool-Aid-colored vomit is still quite vivid in my memory.

It was probably just a coincidence, but I blame that flu--which knocked me out of commission for my birthday and Thanksgiving--on that damn ham, and indirectly on my parents for making me eat it, of course.

That flu was quite a doozy. I couldn't keep down anything. Any. Thing. In fact, it was during that very flu that I first experienced the joys that are suppositories. You want to hear a kid scream bloody murder? Suppositories are the way to go.


Melissa Maris said...

You poor thing! That's awful! Just the combination of Kool-Aid and ham sounds pretty gross... :)

Rae // theNotice said...

I'm sick too!! *crazy hand motions*

I threw up after eating a cinnamon heart once when I was little. It was way too spicy for me, and I was running down the hall to the bathroom.

The vomit was pink. I will never forget this either.

Anonymous said...

i had a bad experience with ham too. we were visiting an uncle at his cabin and my mom made me eat a ham sandwich. i remember that toilet very well...

fell better!!!

Sh. said...

I cannot eat any pork (other than hotdogs at a Cardinals game). Just another reason for my family to ask why I'm such a picky eater. And unfortunately, the movie Babe messed me up too!

Dolce said...

Pork really disgusts me lately. The thought of meat in general makes me a little queezy, but bring on the Kool-Aid

Laura said...

i had a very similar experience with peanut butter...except there was no flu. the peanut butter just made me vomit.
to this day even the smell of it makes me nauseous.
& ever since then i've claimed that i'm allergic to nuts. all nuts.
i don't think it's entirely true...but shh! not even my fiance knows that i may have made it up.

kwərk said...

I have a lot of those memories surrounding seafood. My body has always rejected seafood... :(

sarah marie p said...

Man, the way that ham and Kool-Aid was forced on you makes it seem like it was special kool-aid! Ack! I'm glad you survived that scary, scary day! Poor lil mermanda!

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

is it weird that after i read this post i still wanted red kool-aid?

Anonymous said...

oh mermanda. you crack me up. and for your efforts, i believe tomorrow i will be posting my own "i harked on thanksgiving" story. you're welcome. be sure to check it out. i'll be sure to link back to this as my inspiration. :)


Becky said...

That sounds horrible! I hope you are never sick on your birthday/turkey day again.

Anonymous said...

I love ham! But now I love it a little less after reading this post. Ew. =/

Feel better!

Rachel said...

and now I'm scarred for life.....



Sarah said...

just like the song says, "parents just don't understand"

Lauren said...

Oh that's awful! At least you don't have the flu now!

The Dutchess of Kickball said...

Holy crap, who subjects their child to a suppository? Poor little Mermanda.

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of a conversation I had once with my father about a plate of spaghetti.