Tuesday, October 28, 2008


My doctor ordered me a sleep study! Woot! I am so excited to figure out what the heck is going on in that huge brain of mine while I'm asleep.

Ever since I can remember, I've struggled with chronic fatigue. I've never had much trouble falling asleep (except for the first day of school... squee!) But I just never feel rested when I wake up in the morning. I dream constantly throughout the night, and because fibromyalgia runs in my family, I suspect I'm not getting into the proper stages of the sleep cycle that lets our bodies repair themselves.

As a child I slept until noon on the weekends, missing Saturday morning cartoons that my peers looked forward to all week. In high school, I never stuck with any after school activities because I needed my afternoon nap.

To this day, my endless fatigue impacts my every day activities. I sometimes have to take a half sick day just to muster the energy to get out of bed.

I'd love to be one of those morning people who wake up early, sip coffee while reading the paper, but I wake up twenty minutes before I should be in the office, rush around, and get to work 45 minutes late. Every day. I've worked out an understanding with my boss--who allows me to work late to make up the time. For this I am very grateful.

Well, I'm off to schedule my sleep study. The possibility of a diagnosis and treatment that will allow me to feel rested and energized for the first time in my life is absolutely thrilling. =)


Anonymous said...

I can't imagine feeling so fatigued. I hope they are able to diagnose and recommend treatment! :)

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

i want to study some sleep right. now.

right now.

good luck with the study though!

Anonymous said...

I'm the same way. I'm always tired. I never feel rested even if I sleep for a good 8-9 hours. I need naps or I just can't function.

I hope it goes well!

Andrew said...

I hope they administer some manner of shock treatment.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, good luck! I hope it's an easy fix!

Elizabeth said...

Good luck--I hope you get the answers you need! (Without shock treatments--what a meanie!)

Lacey Bean said...

Wow. I mean I feel tired all the time, but definitely not to that extent!! Hope it all works out for you! (And glad your boss is so understanding!)

Lauren said...

Wow, interesting! Let us know how it goes!

Sophia said...

good luck! I hope you can still sleep how you usually do with electrodes attached to you :/

Pretty Unfamous said...

I wish I could sleep more often. This week sucks.

Ashley D said...

You have to let us know how this goes! I've often wondered if I have a sleep problem. I'm tired every single day when I wake up, no matter if I get 5 hours or sleep or 12. It's so annoying.

sarah marie p said...

Good luck with the study! That's so exciting! Hope they find a solution to your sleep dilemma ASAP!

Blah - I'm always tired and always late to work cuz I'm sleeping in -- but I think it's cuz I stay up till 2 a.m. Gotta get rid of this crazy schedule!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be one of those wake up early people too. I don't think it will ever happen for me, but hopefully this study straightens everything out for you!

Anonymous said...

I hear ya. I can barely drag myself out of bed in the mornings.

Good luck and I hope they find a solution for you!