Friday, October 10, 2008

So long, For Real? Friday...

My heart isn't in it anymore. For Real? Friday is officially Cusp of Normal history. If you left yours in the original packaging, it could be a real collector's item some day.

Anyhow, I want to tell you kiddos what I'm up to today. I'm collaborating with a graphic designer colleague to make posters on proper hand washing techniques for the work bathrooms. The fact that this is actually necessary is extremely sad. We are adults. Past first grade, we should not have to be taught that washing your hands with soap and water after poop/pee time is the right thing to do.

It makes me shudder when I'm in the stall, doin' my thang, when I hear someone turn on the faucet for approximately half of a second before dashing out of the bathroom. When it comes to stopping the spread of germs, there is no "A for effort," people. Turning on the water for a split second does not count.

I guess I am just on a lifelong mission for hand-cleanliness because when I was an RA in college, I made tons of signs for the girls' bathroom promoting hand washing. It was starting to seriously make my stomach turn watching these young co-eds flee the bathroom within seconds of flushing.

One poster I made had a picture of Usher, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and other pop icons, with the caption: "Wash your hands. All the cool kids do it."

Now, that may or may not be true... but I had to use whatever ammunition I could get my hands on. (I bet Paris doesn't wash her hands every time. Sick.) College students are not the cleanest bunch, as you probably already know.

But professionals? I know you are busy... but it only takes 15 seconds with soap and water to do a thorough job after using the bathroom. That's about as long as it takes to sing the "Happy Birthday" song. But please, I beg you, sing to yourselves.


Anonymous said...

i actually sing the alphabet, but what's even worse is when you are in the stall and you hear someone come out of another one and then LEAVE. They just LEAVE. EW now everything they touch is contaminated. ugh

Anonymous said...

I'm like frickin' howard hughes I wash my hands so much.

Our office is like the plague with everyone passing around their diseases... but if they could just WASH THERE HANDS half of the germs wouldn't exist.

Sophia said...

the hospital where I work just had a big hand washing campaign...which is especially important considering this is a HOSPITAL. They gave out buttons saying "Ask me if I'm washed up!" not sure if they realized the double-entendre there...

Anonymous said...

As a kid my mom had to fight with me to wash my hands. I find that hard to believe because I'm a slight germ-phobe now.

sarah marie p said...

I wanna see your poster! Yeah ... I wonder if Paris Hilton does wash her hands? Maybe she has a servant to wash her hands! hahah.

Kyla Bea said...

So wrong, so so wrong that people don't take the time.


I had a friend who, any time we got onto an escalator, said "fecal matter!" because that's the #1 thing they find on them. She RUINED escalators for me. Ruined them.

If you make sandwich boards out of those signs, I'll wear them!